Expert Facilitator
Assc. Prof. Hiram Ting

Hiram is an East-Asia Emerald Ambassador and Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management, UCSI University. He is also the Chairman of the Sarawak Research Society (SRS), a scholarly body established to nurture rising researchers and provide platforms for networking and collaboration between academics, practitioners, and communities. Being the Managing Editor of the Asian Journal of Business Research (AJBR, listed in ERA2018 and indexed in SCOPUS), as well as an Advisory Board and Editorial Board member of a few local and international journals (e.g. US, UK, Pakistan, Iran and Indonesia), he has been actively involved in multidisciplinary behavioural research and consultancy projects, covering topics and issues related to generation marketing, consumer behaviour, education, tourism, healthcare service, gastronomy, and leadership. His papers are published in indexed journals, including the Internet Research (SSCI Impact Factor 3.838, Scopus Q1), European Journal of Marketing (SSCI Impact Factor 1.497, Scopus Q1), Tourism Management (SSCI Impact Factor 5.921, Scopus Q1), International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI 2.874, Scopus Q1), Tourism Economics (SSCI 0.942, Scopus Q1) and Social Indicator Research (SSCI 1.648, Scopus Q1). He has served as the Guest Editor of several SSCI/SCOPUS journals, including British Food Journal (SCIE 1.289, Scopus Q1), Tourism Management Perspectives (SSCI 1.779, Scopus Q1), Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (SSCI 2.685, Scopus Q1) and European Business Review (ESCI, Scopus Q1). Given his passion in research, he has won best paper awards five times, a young service researcher award in 2014 and an Emerald Literati Award in 2018.
He is a HRDF registered trainer, providing workshops on research methodology, statistical analysis, qualitative research, how to supervise students and publication for numerous universities and government agencies. Currently he is also serving as a socio-economic research committee member at the Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sarawak (ACCCIS), Adjunct Professor at SEGi University and Methodist Pilley Institute, Consultant at Asia Metropolitan College, Associate Fellow at the Institute of Borneo Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak as well as supervisor of postgraduate students at several institutions including Universiti Teknologi MARA, University College of Technology Sarawak, SEGi University, Asia Metropolitan College, Asia e University and Open University Malaysia. Aside from his involvement in local research activities, he is progressively collaborating with international bodies, such the Relation Marketing Cluster at Griffith University in Australia, MAG (Marketing in Asia Group) Scholar, and the International Symposium on Applied Structural Equation Modeling (SASEM).