UNILA Scientific & Academic Writing Workshop

Universitas Lampung was held Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop collaboration with Research Synergy Foundation in last August 19th 2019. The participant not only lecturers but also their students.

Dr. Hendrati Mulyaningsih as the Chairman of RSF shared how to write a good content that will attract more the editors in this one day workshop . This workshop is a one of the collaboration between UNILA and RSF before the the 2nd International Conference of Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship (ICEBE) conference being held.

Scientific Writing and Publishing in High Impact Journal Workshop with Prof. Rosna

Research Synergy Institute in collaboration with Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (Q2) was held a Scientific Writing Workshop in Ara Hotel, Tangerang, on October 3, 2019. Professor Rosna as the Editor of MJLI presented as the Trainer. The focus of this workshop is on developing a well-structured and qualified paper for Scopus indexed journals. In this workshop, 16 selected participants had the opportunity to discuss their paper and discover how it can fit into what Journal’s Editor expects. During the workshop, all participants presented the summary of their research and meet with trainer for advice on their scientific writing.

Prof Rosna confirmed that the participant’s research was able to contribute significant points and ideas for discoveries in the field of education. The thing that needs to explore more is how to package the results of their research into a detailed and systematic manuscripts, also put it precisely at the heart of the research development in the world.

To help improve this, the methods used by Research Synergy Institute and Professor Rosna at the workshop can be concluded as follows:

  • Pre-workshop paper review
  • Lecturing and Discussion between Trainer and Participants regarding the tips & tricks in making a high-quality manuscripts. This discussion was enriched by using examples from published papers.
  • Self-Reviewing. Participants are asked to exchange and review each other articles after they gained the new insights from the workshop.


With an interactive learning and engaging activities rather than passively listen to a lecture, the workshop ensured participants had a positive experience and fantastic learning opportunity that will help them increase their research work and scientific writing capacity. Research Synergy is committed to facilitating the development and dissemination of knowledge around the world, so we will continue to hold similar scientific workshops in the future.

Conference or Journal: Which is the Best Preference for Publication?

Some of the researchers chose to present their research orally at the conference, some of them preferred to publish it in a journal, or they go on to publish their work presented at a conference in a journal publication.

We must first know what consider publication in a journal is and in a conference. In the conference, researchers can mingle and interact with other international audience with the same domain and might be able to alter the new ideas. The journal publication will be cited more and sometimes bring more prestige than the conference version. The quality of reputable journal is generally determined by various ranking systems, such as the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) from Thomson Reuters, Scopus’s Source Normalized Index per Paper (SNIP), Google Scholar Index and Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABs).

The papers submitted to a conference and journal are usually reviewed during a certain period. The conference review gives faster feedback and quite predictable, while the journal review takes longer and far more detailed to get into publication. Each journal and conference has its own specific set of guidelines, which must be adjusted in the author’s paper. Conference papers are typically published in “proceedings” which contains collections of papers presented at a conference. Journals papers refer to an articles published in an “issue or theme of the journal”. Like the conference organizers, the editorial board of the journal can also decide to accept or reject a paper. Formal accept, minor revision, major revision and straight reject are the most common types of journal’s decision based on the results of the review process. Conference have higher standards of novelty than a journal. The journal publication will be cited more than the conference version.

Publishing an academic work is a goal all academics strive for to make their research visible or as a way to improve their performance or career promotion. Generally speaking, both journals and conference are crucial places for researchers to advance and contribute in terms of knowledge. Where you publish will depend largely on the particular intention and scientific integrity of your research.







STIE Balikpapan Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop

STIE Balikpapan Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop has been conducted successfully with more than 20 participants. This workshop was held in STIE Balikpapan on September 12, 2019 which focused on scientific writing with facilitated by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as Founder of Research Synergy Foundation. This workshop was held to improve the quality and ability of writing papers from STIE Balikpapan lecturers.
Dr. Hendrati explained writing good content and using correct language. RSF also facilitates checking for plagiarism and also the use of proper grammar. In the second session, we already started for scientific technical writing. This writing starts from translate language, check for writing grammar, check for the paper plagiarism, then write the paper according to the appropriate template. The workshop ran smoothly, and participants were very enthusiastic about learning to write papers well.

By this experience, the participants expected to have high motivation in research publication not only because of job requirement as a lecturer but also passionate with the research itself.

Dealing with Paper Rejection (Author’s Perspective)

Submitted articles in high-quality scholarly journals can be rejected for many reasons. A large number of papers get rejected solely on the basis of their writing or without being reviewed any further. Every researcher experiences rejection at all stages of their careers. Studies have shown that around 21% are rejected without review, and approximately 40% of papers are rejected after peer review. In such cases, every authors need to figure out number of options on what to do when their papers are rejected.

  1. Give yourself time and face it with a clear mind and proper analysis
  2. Provide the submission details and learn all the details of reviewer comments
  3. Asking Editor to reconsider with good reasons and arguments
  4. Revise, rewritten and (re)submit to same or another journal that fits your work
  5. Do a series of improvements for your articles
  6. Ask advice to a more experienced researcher who has published more than you
  7. Editors, like all humans, make mistakes
  8. Try again and do some research works

Having a paper rejected can be frustrating and make you unhappy, but you still have a chance to turn this condition into your advantage. Your work is likely not as terrible or flawed as you think it is and editors often make the wrong decision. Enjoy and good luck for publishing your research and get some more experience!




Scientific Writing and Publishing in High Impact Journal Workshop with Dr. Hiram Ting

Research Synergy Institute was organized the workshop entitled “Scientific Writing and Publishing in High Impact Journal Workshop” in September 17, 2019, at Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba). This event was held in cooperation with Asian Journal of Business Research, MAG Scholar and Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba). Present as the trainers were Dr. Hiram Ting from from UCSI University, Sarawak, Malaysia, as a Vice President of MAG Scholar and Managing Editors of  Asian Journal of Business Research and Dr. Jacky Cheah from Universiti Putra Malaysia. The workshop was attended by 14 invited lecturers from universities that have been affiliated with RSF. Before attending the workshop, several participants had presented their articles at a conference organized by RSF.

The workshop was officially opened by Dean of UNISBA Master of Management, Prof. Dr. Muhardi, S.E.,M.Si and Research Synergy Foundation Chairman, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih. The workshop began with a brief explanation from Dr. Hendrati regarding the scientific process commonly carried out by RSF to improve the development of higher education in Indonesia and even to the global scope. The workshop then continued with a very enlightening presentation from Dr. Hiram Ting. There are a number of salient pointes which were emphasized in Dr. Hiram’s presentation: the philosophy of research publication, technical preparations for publishing articles in reputable journals, understanding the reviewing process and how articles get accepted or rejected by a journal. Dr. Hiram also explained about the publish-or-perish as a part of scientific cultures among academicians and how to deal with it. In the midst of the challenges of lecturers to teach and the responsibility of research publication, Dr. Hiram shared his positive experience and some tricks that made him able to contribute many academics achievement, especially through research publication. He said that he always include his students and colleagues regardless of their level of education, to help contribute research ideas or data. The lecturers must create a comfortable and conducive environment in conducting a research. He also stressed the importance of being emotionally intelligent and open-minded person in accepting a constructive criticism from reviewers.

In the next session, his presentation was then continued by his friend who was a young researcher, Dr. Jacky Cheah. Dr. Jacky Cheah was one of the young researchers who has many achievements among Malaysian academics. He shared his experience of how he struggled to make a lot of research and then published it in reputable journals. He also contributes as a reviewer and editor in several reputable journals. Together with Dr. Hiram, Dr. Jacky communicated effectively with all participants and provided their best advice and review in each of their respective papers. They also recommend which journals that are suitable for their research. Both Dr. Hiram and Dr. Jacky, they acknowledged that their research activities are mostly done outside the university. The workshop atmosphere was very intensive and conducive with the recommendations and directions from the workshop trainers. The workshop then ended with a group photo session. By holding the workshop, RSF & RSI hopes that this will become one of the media to create a conducive research ecosystem and support the capacity-building of Indonesia Researchers.

UNISBA Scientific and Academic Writing: Coaching Clinic Series

Applied the APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY approach (POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY FOR CHANGE APPROACH) to the learning process, Research Synergy Institute collaborate with UNISBA to held UNISBA Scientific and Academic Writing Coaching. The approach consists of five stages/phase: Define, Discovery, Dream, Design, and Destiny (Coperider et al.) The program started by:

H-14 workshop day: Participants must submit a draft paper

H-3 workshop day: All participants received four documents from scientific review process consist of Content Review, Language review, similarity score, and journal recommendation.

In the day of the workshop, participants have started the DEFINE and DISCOVERY phase through their content review, language review, similarity score, and journal recommendation result. From the results of the scientific review, participants did DISCOVERY what they had done and which the best part.

By the journal recommendation, participants started the DREAM phase where they CLEARLY known the purpose of the journal to be targeted. By this stage, participants can explore various published articles and analysis comparing the articles that have been made into detailed improvement steps. In this phase, participants experienced the DESIGN PHASE.

These steps give participants a TIME FRAME which is an action plan written by each participant called DESTINY PHASE.

Through this approach, facilitator empowered the lecturers to masterly meet government requirements in scientific writing standards and publications.

This approach was designed by the Research Synergy Institute (Support system of the Research Synergy Foundation) as Innovation and alternative to various scientific writing improvement programs for lecturers.

The 2nd Universitas Terbuka Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop (Bandung)

The 2nd Universitas Terbuka Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop was held in UPBJJ UT, Bandung. This workshop is focused on intensive preparation before paper submission for ICIEP 2019. The workshop was attended by 20 faculty members from Universitas Terbuka and other universities in Bandung. The workshop started with informative speech by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih about the essential elements for scientific writing and submission requirement. During the workshop, RSI Facilitator provided technical assistance that will help participants make a successful paper submissions. The trainer and facilitator provided a constructive comments for participants’ articles and helped them to finalize their submission in the conference website. They gave participants an opportunity to explore tools and techniques that help them to revise and improve the quality of their research papers. They became familiar with ‘plagiarism tools’, ‘language check’ and ‘citation tools’. By the end of the workshop, all participants manuscripts had been successfully submitted to ICIEP 2019 website. Participants are now waiting for the complete review process and official acceptance letters. Trainer and facilitator also reminded Authors to improve the language quality of their writing by proofreading service given that the publisher has strict editing policies in terms of language. The conference committee of ICIEP 2019 will also select some good quality papers to be published in a reputable journal. The workshop was successfully created an effective learning atmosphere for all participants to develop and disseminate their research project.

The 2nd Universitas Terbuka Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop (Surabaya)

The 2nd Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop was held in Surabaya for Universitas Terbuka collaborating with Research Synergy Foundation on August 16, 2019, which was participated not only lecturers from Universitas Terbuka Surabaya and Malang but also from Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya and Universitas Negeri Surabaya.

In this workshop, Dr. Rasmitadila was shared on how to write high-quality academic papers in order to get more attractive. This one day workshop was held intensively by helping all the participant to choose the right words for their academic paper title. And at the end of session the participant also learned how to write the references by using the manager references tool.

The 2nd Universitas Terbuka Scientific & Academic Writing Workshop (Surakarta)

After successfully organized the first scientific & academic writing workshop in Universitas Terbuka, Surakarta, Research Synergy Institute (RSI) continued to hold a second workshop. The workshop was attended by a small group who included 11 UT faculty members. In the second workshop, RSI focused on helping all the participants submit their final paper to the ICIEP 2019 website. At least one week prior to the workshop, participants should send their research paper for purposes of peer review.

Present as the trainer was Dr. Rasmitadila and one facilitator from Research Synergy Institute. Dr. Rasmitadila has published number of research papers in National and Scopus Indexed Journals and acts as RSI Editorial Hub. During the workshop, she advised Authors to do proper research and write an effective research paper. She also provided some notes toward efficiency and conciseness for each participant’s papers.  Based on the trainer’s direction, all participants went directly to summarizing the research findings and arranged the most relevant information in their papers.

After nearly a half-time the workshop ran, participants are directed to follow the technical guidance to conform their papers to the submission guideline of ICIEP. The RSI facilitator explained a step-by-step guidance to be applied by authors and let them fix their papers instantly. In this session, participants became familiar with ‘plagiarism tools’, ‘grammatical check’ and proper ‘referencing style’. As a way of helping participants, trainer and facilitator supported their exercise by guiding them privately. The workshop ended with the participants’ success in submitting their articles on the conference website correctly. The workshop participants claimed that they felt more confident to accomplish their research papers and publish it in international conference or reputable journal. RSI also encouraged the participants by giving a valuable opportunity for 5 best papers to be invited on “Meet the Editor” Workshop. This workshop is designed to guide Authors and facilitate them to publish their papers in Scopus Indexed Journal.

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