PSDKU Unpad Scientific & Academic Writing Workshop

In early 2020, Research Synergy Institute has been held the 2nd scientific and academic writing workshop collaborated with PSDKU Universitas Padjajaran.

The first session of workshop was begin with an introduction from Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih regarding her publication experience in international journal continued with sharing a knowledge how to write a high quality paper.

This workshop was focus on technical writing and how to use the manager references to simplify the management of citation and references. All the participants followed this training with a good enthusiasm in preparation for submitting their papers to the International Conference on Creative Economy and Sustainable Tourism (ICEST) 2020.


Understanding the Peer-Review Process

Peer-review is one of the essential component of the academic writing process. It helps ensure the validity, originality, and suitability of submitted articles before accepting them for publication. It can be simply regarded as a quality-control system. Getting research published in a peer-reviewed journal can be time-consuming and challenging. Most scientific journals, conferences and grant applications have some sort of peer review system long review process to meet scientific standards.

The process of peer review involves an exchange between a journal editor and referees. If editorial team judges there are no fundamental flaws, they will send it for review to other scientists who work in the same field, known as peer-reviewers. Then the reviewers will provide feedback on the articles. Editors request referees to give advice and constructive comments on the scientific merit before finally recommending whether an article should be published in the journal. After going through review process, the Author may then improve and revise their article, also resubmit it for consideration.


The 2nd Universitas Terbuka Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop (Bandung)

The 2nd Universitas Terbuka Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop was held in UPBJJ UT, Bandung. This workshop is focused on intensive preparation before paper submission for ICIEP 2019. The workshop was attended by 20 faculty members from Universitas Terbuka and other universities in Bandung. The workshop started with informative speech by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih about the essential elements for scientific writing and submission requirement. During the workshop, RSI Facilitator provided technical assistance that will help participants make a successful paper submissions. The trainer and facilitator provided a constructive comments for participants’ articles and helped them to finalize their submission in the conference website. They gave participants an opportunity to explore tools and techniques that help them to revise and improve the quality of their research papers. They became familiar with ‘plagiarism tools’, ‘language check’ and ‘citation tools’. By the end of the workshop, all participants manuscripts had been successfully submitted to ICIEP 2019 website. Participants are now waiting for the complete review process and official acceptance letters. Trainer and facilitator also reminded Authors to improve the language quality of their writing by proofreading service given that the publisher has strict editing policies in terms of language. The conference committee of ICIEP 2019 will also select some good quality papers to be published in a reputable journal. The workshop was successfully created an effective learning atmosphere for all participants to develop and disseminate their research project.

The 2nd Universitas Terbuka Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop (Surabaya)

The 2nd Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop was held in Surabaya for Universitas Terbuka collaborating with Research Synergy Foundation on August 16, 2019, which was participated not only lecturers from Universitas Terbuka Surabaya and Malang but also from Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya and Universitas Negeri Surabaya.

In this workshop, Dr. Rasmitadila was shared on how to write high-quality academic papers in order to get more attractive. This one day workshop was held intensively by helping all the participant to choose the right words for their academic paper title. And at the end of session the participant also learned how to write the references by using the manager references tool.

The 2nd Universitas Terbuka Scientific & Academic Writing Workshop (Surakarta)

After successfully organized the first scientific & academic writing workshop in Universitas Terbuka, Surakarta, Research Synergy Institute (RSI) continued to hold a second workshop. The workshop was attended by a small group who included 11 UT faculty members. In the second workshop, RSI focused on helping all the participants submit their final paper to the ICIEP 2019 website. At least one week prior to the workshop, participants should send their research paper for purposes of peer review.

Present as the trainer was Dr. Rasmitadila and one facilitator from Research Synergy Institute. Dr. Rasmitadila has published number of research papers in National and Scopus Indexed Journals and acts as RSI Editorial Hub. During the workshop, she advised Authors to do proper research and write an effective research paper. She also provided some notes toward efficiency and conciseness for each participant’s papers.  Based on the trainer’s direction, all participants went directly to summarizing the research findings and arranged the most relevant information in their papers.

After nearly a half-time the workshop ran, participants are directed to follow the technical guidance to conform their papers to the submission guideline of ICIEP. The RSI facilitator explained a step-by-step guidance to be applied by authors and let them fix their papers instantly. In this session, participants became familiar with ‘plagiarism tools’, ‘grammatical check’ and proper ‘referencing style’. As a way of helping participants, trainer and facilitator supported their exercise by guiding them privately. The workshop ended with the participants’ success in submitting their articles on the conference website correctly. The workshop participants claimed that they felt more confident to accomplish their research papers and publish it in international conference or reputable journal. RSI also encouraged the participants by giving a valuable opportunity for 5 best papers to be invited on “Meet the Editor” Workshop. This workshop is designed to guide Authors and facilitate them to publish their papers in Scopus Indexed Journal.

The Growing Importance of Engaging in Collaborative Research

There are many components of educational success that can actually be measured. The issue concerning the quality and quantity of the research performed by universities should be the main concern. Research should be conducted in a manner that is appropriate, ethical and humane manner. Researchers should endeavor to ensure that the research should both benefit society and social harm and addressing balanced ethical decisions.

Academic research is becoming ever more international. Whether it is to gain access to specialized equipment, develop new ideas or tap into new sources of funding, researchers are reaching out to their colleagues around the world, and their work is better for it. However, conducting a research, especially in developing countries, often have to overcome some challenges. For handling the lack of standardization in the research process, engaging in collaborative research is a necessity.

Academic and research collaboration is a very valuable tool that not only accelerates the progress but also enhances the quality of the work and extends the repertoire of the partners. Academic collaboration is beneficial to the faculty in learning new teaching tools, and to the students in increasing the breadth of their knowledge and learning different approaches to solving a problem.

In the scientific world, scientists depend and survive on their extensive collaborations with colleagues. The academic world urgently needs a critical discussion on what is meant by ‘good’ research. Debating ideas is also important for creativity and approaching problems in a consistent and systematic way.

In the globalized society we live in, international collaboration programs help by providing students with the ability to study, work, and travel in an international capacity. In a collaboration, better and more concrete networks will be built. International collaborations, and especially working abroad, can also provide a real career boost. The digital age is making international collaboration even easier.

Why Should You Go To Academic Conferences?

Academic Conference is a one-day or multi-days formal meeting or gathering for researchers to present and discuss their work.  Attending conferences often costs a significant amount of money, and the article has to be well advanced. All participants are struggling with a time limit of 10 to 30 minutes to present their academic papers. Academic conferences are usually announced via a call for papers and they are also often list on conference announcement sites. Presentation are generally followed by discussions, in which participants exchange reactions and critiques, even continue to collaborate in future research projects. The work may be collected, revised and published by the editorial team. For scholars, researchers, professors and academics, it is a great way to find the research group from a wide range of backgrounds. There are many reasons why you should attend academic conferences and here are some of the reasons:

1. Widening the scope of the researcher’s network

Meeting a group of other students or researchers in an academic conference is an opportunity to build networks with other academics and experts in the similar fields. They might learn about a different research method or skill that could be innovatively applied to their research. Conferences bring together people who share a common discipline from all different geographical areas and expand their knowledge.

2.  Academic Publication

Publishing a research is the best ways to ensure that it can be found and used by other people. For some universities, it is a must for its students to publish a paper in Conferences. One of the main characteristics of academic publication is the peer-review process, which is an assessment system to check the quality of the paper before it is published.

3.  Travelling and Exploring New Cultures

The main benefit of academic conferences is a chance to feel the joy to discover different cities of the world. It is an opportunity to ‘get away from the office or any academic responsibilities’, socializing or learning more about other people’s cultural tradition and see the beauty to live in international diversity.

4.  Develop Scientific Careers and Titles

By attending conference, you have the opportunity to present your work and get some new insights or new perspectives to improve your work from the other participants. You can establish yourself in your field of study while presenting your research in academic conferences. It is also the place for you to boost your knowledge and enhance your professional research careers.

So, why should you attend an academic conferences? We each have our own reasons for attending this event.  Many researchers are aware of the benefit of attending the academic conferences for the purpose of research dissemination in a global network.

If you are interested in attending academic conferences, don’t forget to get yourself well-prepared and be sure to check the submission requirements before submitting your research in academic conferences.

Scientific & Academic Writing Workshop in Universitas Terbuka, Surabaya

A one-day workshop on scientific & academic writing was held at Universitas Terbuka, located in  Mulyorejo, Surabaya on February 14th, 2019. This event was organized in collaboration with Universitas Terbuka and Research Synergy Foundation as the preparation of research paper submission in The 1st International Conference on Innovation in Education and Pedagogy (ICIEP) 2019.

This workshop aims to improve the publication of the papers of Universitas Terbuka lecturers at the international level proceedings indexed by Scopus. Prof. Udan Kusmawan as the Dean of Faculty of Education in UT delivered a welcome message for keynote speakers and all the workshop participants.

Dr. Rasmitadila from Research Synergy Foundation presented as keynote speaker. Dr. Rasmitadila led the first session where she elaborated on how to write scientific paper properly and how to correctly cite sources in academic writing. During the second session, the workshop participants focus on conforming the submission guideline for authors in ICIEP proceedings 2019. In this session, the participants were guided to carry out step by step related to publication process. With the help of RSF facilitator, many papers from participants has been checked with RSF professional tools to make sure that the papers are grammatically correct and are not plagiarized. Participants were also guided on how to translate and paraphrase the paper contents or materials from a source. This workshop was very interactive and highly appreciate by all participants. They found the workshop informative and worthwhile.


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