Indexing in Research Publication

Citation index (indexing) is an ordered list of cited articles, each accompanied by a list of citing articles. The indexing will be a parameter of the value of your research. Indexing will help the journal for being accessible to a wide audience. Journals must increase their visibility, availability and readership. All academic indexes require journals to follow certain core publishing standards. Here are some basic indexing requirements:

  • An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
  • Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)
  • An established publishing schedule
  • A copyright policy
  • Basic article-level metadata

Some of the most popular indexing include:

  1. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): DOAJ is an open access journals in all disciplines. DOAJ provides access to quality open access and peer-reviewed journals.
  2. Scopus is a general database of peer-reviewed journals in the scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
  3. Google Scholar: Google Scholar is not a human-curated database but a search engine of the whole internet which narrows the internet results based on machine automated criteria. Google Scholar Citations lets authors set up a profile page that lists their publications and citation metrics.
  4. Web of Science: WoS is an interdisciplinary and covers all scientific areas, but it only covers what is considers to “best” journals and concentrates on English language ones. There are three flagship Citation Indexes at the center of WoS Core Collection known as Science Citation Index (SCI), the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI).


PNJ Scientific & Academic Writing Workshop

On 23rd of October 2019, Research Synergy Institute held Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop collaboration with Politeknik Negeri Jakarta (PNJ). The participants was antuasiast to gain more knowledge regarding how to write high-quality academic papers.


This one day workshop was held in Jakarta which was participated not only lecturers from Politeknik Negeri Jakarta but also from Universitas Mercu Buana. Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih shared how to write a good content and how to choose the correct journal to the participant.

Scientific Writing and Publishing in High Impact Journal Workshop with Prof. Rosna

Research Synergy Institute in collaboration with Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (Q2) was held a Scientific Writing Workshop in Ara Hotel, Tangerang, on October 3, 2019. Professor Rosna as the Editor of MJLI presented as the Trainer. The focus of this workshop is on developing a well-structured and qualified paper for Scopus indexed journals. In this workshop, 16 selected participants had the opportunity to discuss their paper and discover how it can fit into what Journal’s Editor expects. During the workshop, all participants presented the summary of their research and meet with trainer for advice on their scientific writing.

Prof Rosna confirmed that the participant’s research was able to contribute significant points and ideas for discoveries in the field of education. The thing that needs to explore more is how to package the results of their research into a detailed and systematic manuscripts, also put it precisely at the heart of the research development in the world.

To help improve this, the methods used by Research Synergy Institute and Professor Rosna at the workshop can be concluded as follows:

  • Pre-workshop paper review
  • Lecturing and Discussion between Trainer and Participants regarding the tips & tricks in making a high-quality manuscripts. This discussion was enriched by using examples from published papers.
  • Self-Reviewing. Participants are asked to exchange and review each other articles after they gained the new insights from the workshop.


With an interactive learning and engaging activities rather than passively listen to a lecture, the workshop ensured participants had a positive experience and fantastic learning opportunity that will help them increase their research work and scientific writing capacity. Research Synergy is committed to facilitating the development and dissemination of knowledge around the world, so we will continue to hold similar scientific workshops in the future.

UNISBA Scientific and Academic Writing: Coaching Clinic Series

Applied the APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY approach (POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY FOR CHANGE APPROACH) to the learning process, Research Synergy Institute collaborate with UNISBA to held UNISBA Scientific and Academic Writing Coaching. The approach consists of five stages/phase: Define, Discovery, Dream, Design, and Destiny (Coperider et al.) The program started by:

H-14 workshop day: Participants must submit a draft paper

H-3 workshop day: All participants received four documents from scientific review process consist of Content Review, Language review, similarity score, and journal recommendation.

In the day of the workshop, participants have started the DEFINE and DISCOVERY phase through their content review, language review, similarity score, and journal recommendation result. From the results of the scientific review, participants did DISCOVERY what they had done and which the best part.

By the journal recommendation, participants started the DREAM phase where they CLEARLY known the purpose of the journal to be targeted. By this stage, participants can explore various published articles and analysis comparing the articles that have been made into detailed improvement steps. In this phase, participants experienced the DESIGN PHASE.

These steps give participants a TIME FRAME which is an action plan written by each participant called DESTINY PHASE.

Through this approach, facilitator empowered the lecturers to masterly meet government requirements in scientific writing standards and publications.

This approach was designed by the Research Synergy Institute (Support system of the Research Synergy Foundation) as Innovation and alternative to various scientific writing improvement programs for lecturers.

Understanding Why Articles Get Rejected

Rejection of a scientific paper by the journal is the norm in academic publishing. Most reviewers do not want to reject an article unless there are justifiable reasons for doing it. A study by Hall and Wilcox concluded that 62% of the published papers have been rejected at least once. In other words, rejection of your hard-worked paper is sometimes normal and should not be the end of the world. Once you recover from the frustration of rejection, it can be helpful to consider the detailed comments and summary as perceived by the reviewers, as an opportunity and valuable information to improve your research.

We have listed a few number of reasons why a journal decides to reject a paper.

Technical Reasons

The editorial board will undertake some basic checks required by the journal. The Editor-in-Chief has the discretion to reject the manuscript straight off even before sending it to the reviewers for reviewing. The main reason of this rejection is because it fails the technical screening. The technical screening does not judge the scientific content of the article. It includes: the paper contains elements that are suspected to be plagiarized, the article lacks key elements such as a title, list of authors and affiliations, main text, references, figures and tables or the article does not conform to the journal’s Author Guideline.

Out of journal Scope

Each journal has a well-defined aim and scope. You should check and learn the aims and scope carefully before submitting your article. The journal will reject the manuscript that lie outside the stated aims and scope of the journal.

Inaccurate or inconsistent Data Reported

Inappropriate statistical analysis and unreliable data may lead to poor analysis and inaccurate conclusion. Precisely showing the results with application of statistical principles and proper data will increase the probability of acceptance of the manuscript.

Lack of Novelty and Originality

Novelty and originality are a very important aspect of the research. For finding novelty in your area of research, you should carry out an extensive literature review and depend on your in-depth knowledge of the field. The researcher should be able to interpret the research outcome in a valuable way.

Language and Writing Issues

Language quality plays a particularly important role in a scholarly article. Poor language quality will make the referee and readers difficult to understand. It is always a good idea to ask others or use any English Language Editing services to check the language and structure of your paper.




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