RSI super team!
RSI super team!
Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih is the chairperson and founder of Research Synergy Foundation that has shown great commitment on creating Global Network and Research Ecosystem. This GNR ecosystem has been developing since 2017 up to the present and having increasing numbers of the member up to more than 15.000 from all around the globe. Her passion in how to create impact and co creation value among all the stake holder of RSF has made her focus on upholding integrity in the scientific process through enhancement of RSF’s support-support system as like Reviewer track, Scholarvein, Research Synergy Institute and RSFPress. Thus, her work in this area has made her as the Nominee of Impactful Leadership Awards from Tallberg Foundation Sweden 2019.
Ani Wahyu Rachmawati obtained her master’s degree from School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Indonesa in 2014. Ani is the editor of some books published by Routledge and CRC Balkema Taylor and Francis Group. She is currently active researcher with several publication in F1000research (Scopus Q1), Author of some book chapter published by Routledge also the Managing Editor of International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH), International Journal of Theory and Application of Elementary and Secondary Education (IJTAESE), International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education (IJEIECE), Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability (JGRCS), Organization and Human Capital Development (ORCADEV), Tourism and Sustainable Development Review (TSDR) and many more.
Santi is a Founder and Global Network Operation Director of the Research Synergy Foundation (RSF). She actively engaged with scholars around the world for strengthening the Global Research Ecosystem. As the Director of Scholarvein, She creates, maintains, and develops the integrated system for managing international scientific conference and forum since 2017 up to present and already give benefit to more than 8.448 participants coming from >85 countries. With the combination of engineering and management educational background, she has built the optimum workflow for scholars to contribute more to the society and humanities.