Bandung (11/2), Research Synergy Insitute (RSI) held The First 2022 Coaching Clinic Series Program. After successfully having a similar program with Universitas Pertamina and UNISBA, again, RSI is currently collaborating with UNISBA. There were 30 authors and 35 co-authors from various fields such as business economics, international law, until psychology participating in the program.

The program was being facilitated by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), Ani Wahyu Rachmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), and Santi Rahmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1).

the webinar e-coaching I was opened by Prof. Ir. A. Harits Nu’man, Ph.D
as Vice Rector I Universitas Islam Bandung. The content of this webinar consists of six materials. They were Overview E-Coaching Program & How to understand review, Research Design, Reporting Guideline & Discussion, Do and Don’t things Get Published in F1000research, How to prepare & Upload Data to Open Repository, Article submission checklist & How to submit an article to F1000research, and set an Action Plan for the coaching program. After this coaching ended, the next coaching will be held on 1 March 2022 for UNISBA