Designing Quantitative & Qualitative Research Towards Publishing In SCOPUS/ WOS Journal
On February 26-27, 2020 at UNPAD Campus, Bandung, Indonesia, Research Synergy Institute will have a workshop with expert from Scopus Editor from UCSI University Sarawak Malaysia, Assc. Prof. Dr. Hiram Ting. And Dr. Cheah Jun Hwa (Jacky) from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Please do the registration to http://bit.ly/WS26feb20 For further information don’t hesitate to contact : +628112317334

Designing Robust Research Methodology Towards Publication in High Impact Journal
A workshop that will increase your skill in research methodology will be held on August 26, 2020 at Hotel Sovereign Bali, Indonesia. For further information please contact +628112317334.