Bandung (25/8), After two years of running online programs, Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) held a hybrid (offline and online) program named International Service Program (ISP) 2022 and a Seminar on the topic: “Moving Forward the Quality of Research into World-Class Publication”. There were around 30 participants from some universities across Indonesia.

There are two sessions on this event—the first is an offline session. The first one was opened by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, The Founder and Chairperson of Research Synergy Foundation. She also shared about RSF Global Research Ecosystem Introduction, including Scholarvein, Research Synergy Institute (RSI), RSF Press, Review Tracker, and RSF itself. The next speaker is Ani Wahyu Rachmawati, S.Psi., M.S.M., The Founder & Director of Publication Research Synergy Foundation. She shared about Increasing Author Capacity to Meet Editorial requirements in Scopus Q1/ Q2 Indexed Journals. And last but not least, the last speaker is Santi Rahmawati, S.T., M.S.M., The Founder & Director of Global Network Operation Research Synergy Foundation. In her capacity, Mrs. Santi shared about Conducting a World-Class Research Expose/Conference and taking Publication Opportunities.

After the break, the event became a hybrid. Where there were some people in the room and also some people on Zoom Meeting, this happened because the Speaker for the hybrid session was in the UK. She was Dr. Liz Turner, Open Research Manager Taylor & Francis UK. She shared about Accelerating Open Research through Partnership. This event was also aimed in order to officially launching Collaboration 2023: Moving Forward the Quality of Research into World-Class Publication