A one-day workshop on scientific & academic writing was held at Universitas Terbuka, located in  Mulyorejo, Surabaya on February 14th, 2019. This event was organized in collaboration with Universitas Terbuka and Research Synergy Foundation as the preparation of research paper submission in The 1st International Conference on Innovation in Education and Pedagogy (ICIEP) 2019.

This workshop aims to improve the publication of the papers of Universitas Terbuka lecturers at the international level proceedings indexed by Scopus. Prof. Udan Kusmawan as the Dean of Faculty of Education in UT delivered a welcome message for keynote speakers and all the workshop participants.

Dr. Rasmitadila from Research Synergy Foundation presented as keynote speaker. Dr. Rasmitadila led the first session where she elaborated on how to write scientific paper properly and how to correctly cite sources in academic writing. During the second session, the workshop participants focus on conforming the submission guideline for authors in ICIEP proceedings 2019. In this session, the participants were guided to carry out step by step related to publication process. With the help of RSF facilitator, many papers from participants has been checked with RSF professional tools to make sure that the papers are grammatically correct and are not plagiarized. Participants were also guided on how to translate and paraphrase the paper contents or materials from a source. This workshop was very interactive and highly appreciate by all participants. They found the workshop informative and worthwhile.


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