Peer-Review of Research Paper

The term research paper may also refer to an academic paper which contains an original study based on the analysis and interpretation of the data. In order to disseminate the research among other scholars, a research paper will often require to be published in an academic journal. Each paper will go to review process and must meet all publication quality standards. Shortly after the submitted paper is received by the journal’s editorial board, the paper will continue to be peer-reviewed.

Peer-review has been a formal part of scientific communication since the first scientific journals appeared. Every journals follow a policy of evaluating papers and saves valuable time before they take to publish accepted papers based on its approach and philosophy. Papers have been subjected to the peer-review process prior to publication for over centuries ago. Peer-review was introduced to scholarly publication in 1731 by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, which published a collection of peer-reviewed medical papers.

There are 3 most common types of peer-review process in common use at present:

1. Single Blind Review

In this type of peer-review, the reviewers are aware of the names and affiliations of paper

Authors, howe the reviewers identity is kept anonymous from the authors.

2. Double Blind Review

In this type of peer-review both authors and reviewers are not aware of each other’s identity and affiliation.

3. Open Review

In an open peer eview, the authors and the reviewers both know each other’s identities.

Peer-review helps the editor or publisher reach a decision to accept or reject the papers for publication. The editor can also decide to reject the paper immediately before they even undergo a review process because it doesn’t meet the basic of the journal’s standard. Peer-review of a journal is defined as the process by which academic papers will be evaluated by one or more people with similar competences. Journal editors are always looking out for reviewers who are experts in the certain topics or particular fields and invite them to assess the paper based on the requirements of the journal. Reviewers will provide a review report as a feedback, which is generally written in a form that includes overall rating of papers and recommendations. Peer-review is a fundamental process to ensure the integrity, credibility and quality of final research paper. It also helps to improve the quality of published research, and increases networking possibilities within research communities.



Why Should You Go To Academic Conferences?

Academic Conference is a one-day or multi-days formal meeting or gathering for researchers to present and discuss their work.  Attending conferences often costs a significant amount of money, and the article has to be well advanced. All participants are struggling with a time limit of 10 to 30 minutes to present their academic papers. Academic conferences are usually announced via a call for papers and they are also often list on conference announcement sites. Presentation are generally followed by discussions, in which participants exchange reactions and critiques, even continue to collaborate in future research projects. The work may be collected, revised and published by the editorial team. For scholars, researchers, professors and academics, it is a great way to find the research group from a wide range of backgrounds. There are many reasons why you should attend academic conferences and here are some of the reasons:

1. Widening the scope of the researcher’s network

Meeting a group of other students or researchers in an academic conference is an opportunity to build networks with other academics and experts in the similar fields. They might learn about a different research method or skill that could be innovatively applied to their research. Conferences bring together people who share a common discipline from all different geographical areas and expand their knowledge.

2.  Academic Publication

Publishing a research is the best ways to ensure that it can be found and used by other people. For some universities, it is a must for its students to publish a paper in Conferences. One of the main characteristics of academic publication is the peer-review process, which is an assessment system to check the quality of the paper before it is published.

3.  Travelling and Exploring New Cultures

The main benefit of academic conferences is a chance to feel the joy to discover different cities of the world. It is an opportunity to ‘get away from the office or any academic responsibilities’, socializing or learning more about other people’s cultural tradition and see the beauty to live in international diversity.

4.  Develop Scientific Careers and Titles

By attending conference, you have the opportunity to present your work and get some new insights or new perspectives to improve your work from the other participants. You can establish yourself in your field of study while presenting your research in academic conferences. It is also the place for you to boost your knowledge and enhance your professional research careers.

So, why should you attend an academic conferences? We each have our own reasons for attending this event.  Many researchers are aware of the benefit of attending the academic conferences for the purpose of research dissemination in a global network.

If you are interested in attending academic conferences, don’t forget to get yourself well-prepared and be sure to check the submission requirements before submitting your research in academic conferences.

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