Online Lecturing Session #AskEXpert Forum

The Online Lecturing program is dedicated to everyone who eager to learn directly from the expert. Our experts were coming from various research fields and expertise. They are committed to sharing knowledge through our platform because they believe that this RSF platform can benefit knowledge acceleration. RSF continuously joins hands-in-hands with many experts that are already recognized globally to bring knowledge closer to everyone in no limitation.

Our Through (Ask Expert)

Showcasing 5 Projects

Webinar #AskExpert14 : Etnografi Digital: Metode Riset Kontemporer untuk Publikasi di Jurnal Bereputasi SCOPUS/WOS

Research Synergy Institute berkolaborasi dengan Forum Manajemen Indonesia Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Timur mempersembahkan Webinar #AskExpert14 : Etnografi Digital: Metode Riset Kontemporer untuk Publikasi di Jurnal Bereputasi SCOPUS/WOS guna memfasilitasi cara menggunakan pendekatan etnografi digital sebagai solusi riset yang efektif, efisien, hemat, dan berkualitas!

Webinar ini dirancang untuk para peneliti dari berbagai bidang mulai dari sosial, kesehatan masyarakat, politik, IT, kajian gender, budaya, lingkungan, dan lainnya yang ingin memahami bagaimana teknologi dan media digital membentuk perilaku, budaya, serta pengalaman masyarakat digital.

Ask Expert 7: Developing Productive Research Culture: What We Can Adopt?

Bandung (30/9), the 7th #askexpert series by Research Synergy Foundation and Research Synergy Institute, has been held on title: Developing a productive research culture: What can we adopt? 

This webinar was held on Thursday, September 30, 2021. Participants who registered for this webinar reached three hundred and thirty-one registrants. Soeharto moderates the webinar; he is a PhD student at the University of Szeged (Hungary).

Ask Expert #6 : Visualizing Scientometric with VOS Viewer

On this chance, Research Synergy Institute collaborated with Paramadina University presented webinar Ask Expert #6 themed Visualizing Scientometric with VOS Viewer. The participants was quite excited about this topic, especially the ones who are interested about scientometric method.

AskExpert #5: Strategi Peningkatan Ranking Universitas Berstandar Internasional

Peningkatan Ranking Universitas Berstandar Internasional, Mengapa penting dan Bagaimana Strategi nya?

Secara prinsip adanya peningkatan ranking universitas penting untuk reputasi dan diperlukan untuk persaingan dalam dunia global. Bagi negara maju adanya ranking universitas ini merupakan fokusnya adalah bagaimana mempertahankan reputasi atau ranking yang sudah ada, sementara untuk negara berkembang lebih banyak fokus pada bagaimana masuk ke dalam top ranking tersebut.

#askExpert2: Covid-19: Revival of Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Since the covid-19 outbreak, which have been declared as a pandemic by WHO, we cannot ignore its inevitable impacts in any industries and sectors worldwide. Hospitality industries are among those have been feeling the hardest hit. We are aware of this impact and as a form of our real knowledge contribution, we decided to invite Assoc. Prof. Dr.Vinay Chamoli, from Maharaja Agrasen University, India, to provide us as global researchers with rich insights and analysis in Research Synergy Foundation webinars by the theme: Covid-19: Revival of Tourism and Hospitality Industry. The webinars was held on Wednesday, 8 July 2020 using Zoom as a platform

#AskExpert : Fostering Data Analysis in Educational Research Using SPSS Software

Data collection, processing, and analysis represents an essential part of the research. It is not uncommon for researchers, educators, and even journals editors to find a statistical problem in a stage of the research process. Poor data analysis and lack of supporting evidence can be one of those important causes for global journal editors rejects a submitted manuscript. We can simply assumed that “bad data practice will lead to bad research”. In order to assist educators and researchers in improving the quality of research data analysis skills, we conducted a webinars by the theme Fostering Data Analysis in Educational Research Using SPSS Software. We invited Engr. Dr. Muhammad Mujtaba Asad, the Head of Educational Technology & TVET Research Sukkur IBA University as a trainer to deliver his knowledge and experience regarding SPSS Software and its application in a research. The webinar has more than 125 participants that has been registered from 10 countries around the world.

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