Are you tired of spending countless hours on academic writing assignments? Do you wish there was an easier way to generate ideas and structure your arguments? Look no further than Webinar#askexpert9!
Join us for our upcoming webinar, “Speed-up the Academic Writing Process: How to use ChatGPT Intelligently and Ethically,” featuring Dr. Andry Alamsyah from School of Economic and Business-Telkom University Indonesia.
Learn how to use ChatGPT, a powerful language model, to improve your academic writing and save time. Dr. Alamsyah will share tips and best practices on how to use ChatGPT intelligently and ethically, while avoiding plagiarism and maintaining academic integrity.
This webinar will be held on Friday, March 3, 2023, from 02.00-04.00 PM (Jakarta Time/ GMT+7) on the ZOOM Meeting platform. Best of all, the registration fee is FREE!
Register now through March 1, 2023, to secure your spot. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your academic writing skills and make the writing process more efficient. See you there!
Notes: The webinar will use English as the primary language.
Further information:
#researchsynergyfoundation#researchsynergyinstitute #askexpert#chatGPT #freelearningforum #knowledgesharing #academicwriting
Scientifice & Academic Writing 2 Days Workshop Series 2023 with Badan Kebijakan Transportasi – Kementerian Perhubungan
Badan Kebijakan Transportasi – Kementerian Perhubungan and Research Synergy Foundation have successfully organized Scientific & Academic Writing 2 Days Workshop Series 2023. The workshop was held on March 28-29, 2023, and aimed to improve the quality of scientific writing and publication.
The workshop was started on the first day with the opening, learning contract, and welcome remarks from Dra. Tri Kusumaning Utami, M.MTr. Then, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, the Director of Research Synergy Foundation, delivered a presentation on the importance of publication and the global research ecosystem.
After a short break, Dr. Hendrati continued the session with Research Content & Context in Publication I. The presentation focused on the content and context of research in publications. The session was followed by a lunch break.
The second session of the day was Research Content & Context in Publication II, which was also presented by Dr. Hendrati. The session continued to explore the content and context of research in publications.
On the second day, the workshop started with a session on Reputable vs. Predatory International Journal by Ani Wahyu Rachmawati, S.Psi., MSM. The presentation aimed to help the participants differentiate between reputable and predatory international journals.
The workshop ended with a discussion and Q&A session moderated by Gita Hindrawati, ST., MSM. The participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and share their thoughts about the workshop.
The Scientific & Academic Writing 2 Days Workshop Series 2023 was a success, with participants gaining valuable insights and knowledge about scientific writing and publication. The organizers and presenters were pleased with the positive feedback received from the participants and hope to organize more workshops in the future.
Scientific & Academic Writing SCOPUS e-Coaching Clinic Mar 2023
On March 27, 2023, the Scientific and Academic Writing: E-Coaching Clinic held its March Series 2023, providing researchers and academics with helpful information about publishing their research articles in F1000research and Cogent OA. The event was attended by various experts in the field, including Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih (Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), Ani Wahyu Rachmawati (Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), and Santi Rahmawati (Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1).
The event kicked off with Mrs. Ani providing an overview of the e-coaching program and how to understand review results. This was followed by Dr. Hendrati, who discussed the Reporting Guideline Standard of F1000 and Cogent OA and Review Discussion. Santi then took the stage and talked about the do’s and don’ts of publishing in F1000 and Cogent OA, providing valuable insights and tips.
Last but not least, Mrs. Santi then shared practical information on how to prepare and upload data to open repositories, using F1000research and Cogent OA standards. Finally, Mrs. Ani provided guidance on how to submit articles to F1000research and Cogent OA.
The event concluded with an action plan to help attendees take the necessary steps to publish their research articles successfully.
Overall, the Scientific and Academic Writing: E-Coaching Clinic March Series 2023 was a success, providing valuable insights and guidance to researchers and academics on publishing their work in F1000research and Cogent OA.
Scientific & Academic Writing SCOPUS e-Coaching Clinic Feb 2023
Bandung (01/02), Research Synergy Insitute (RSI), held The First 2023 eCoaching Clinic Series Program. After successfully having a similar program with some partners in the previous year, RSI is currently collaborating with Fakultas Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Mulawarman. There were ninety, with 29 articles participating in the program.
The program was facilitated by
Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih (Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1);
Ani Wahyu Rachmawati (Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1);
and Santi Rahmawati (Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1).
The Webinar was opened by Prof. Dr. H. Muh. Amir Masruhim, M.Kes. & Dr. Sunardi, SS., M.Hum. as (Dean & Vice Dean of FKIP Universitas Mulawarman. The content of this webinar consists of three materials. They were about (1) Why being a Global Scholar is important? How to write a good paper?, (2) Open Access (F1000research/Cogent OA) Publication Model, and (3) F1000research and Cogent OA Editorial Policies. After this coaching ends, the next coaching will be held on 1 March 2023 (eCoaching Clinic Series March 2023).
Get to know more about the next eCoaching here
Today’s Agenda of RSF: Scientific & Academic Writing SCOPUS e-Coaching Clinic 2022
Bandung (1/12), Research Synergy Insitute (RSI), held the last 2022 Coaching Clinic Series Program. After successfully having a similar program with Laguna State Polytechnic University, RSI is currently providing the program for the public. There are 21 Authors (including Co-Authors) and 11 articles in total participating in the program.
The program was facilitated by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), Ani Wahyu Rachmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), and Santi Rahmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1).
The content of this webinar consists of four materials. They are (1) About SCOPUS E-Coaching Program & Rules of Thumb; (2) Why being a Global Scholar is important? What should we do to be
globally accepted?; (3) Publishing Research Articles in Open Acces Journals; and (4) F1000research and Cogent OA Editorial Policies. After this coaching ends, the next coaching will be held in 2023. We will release the date soon. See you at the next program!
[Release] International Service Program 2022
Bandung (25/8), After two years of running online programs, Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) held a hybrid (offline and online) program named International Service Program (ISP) 2022 and a Seminar on the topic: “Moving Forward the Quality of Research into World-Class Publication”. There were around 30 participants from some universities across Indonesia.
There are two sessions on this event—the first is an offline session. The first one was opened by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, The Founder and Chairperson of Research Synergy Foundation. She also shared about RSF Global Research Ecosystem Introduction, including Scholarvein, Research Synergy Institute (RSI), RSF Press, Review Tracker, and RSF itself. The next speaker is Ani Wahyu Rachmawati, S.Psi., M.S.M., The Founder & Director of Publication Research Synergy Foundation. She shared about Increasing Author Capacity to Meet Editorial requirements in Scopus Q1/ Q2 Indexed Journals. And last but not least, the last speaker is Santi Rahmawati, S.T., M.S.M., The Founder & Director of Global Network Operation Research Synergy Foundation. In her capacity, Mrs. Santi shared about Conducting a World-Class Research Expose/Conference and taking Publication Opportunities.
After the break, the event became a hybrid. Where there were some people in the room and also some people on Zoom Meeting, this happened because the Speaker for the hybrid session was in the UK. She was Dr. Liz Turner, Open Research Manager Taylor & Francis UK. She shared about Accelerating Open Research through Partnership. This event was also aimed in order to officially launching Collaboration 2023: Moving Forward the Quality of Research into World-Class Publication
[Release] E-Coaching Webinar I Jul 2022
Bandung (31/6), Research Synergy Insitute (RSI) held the fourth 2022 Coaching Clinic Series Program. After successfully having a similar program with Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, RSI currently is collaborating with Laguna State Polytechnic University. There are 57 Authors (including Co-Authors) and 31 articles in total participating in the program.
The program was being facilitated by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), Ani Wahyu Rachmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), and Santi Rahmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1).
The Webinar was opened by Dr Karen Manaig. The content of this webinar consists of four materials. They are (1) Why being Global Scholar is Important? How should we do to be Globally Accepted?, (2) How to write a Good Research?, (3) Practical Guidance of Publication: Identification predatory and Non-predatory Journal, and (4) Practical Guidance of Publication: Avoiding Plagiarism & Paraphrasing Articles. After this coaching ended, the next coaching will be held on August 2022 for Universtas Bina Darma and Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor.
[Release] E-Coaching Webinar I April 2022
Bandung (31/3), Research Synergy Insitute (RSI) held The Third 2022 Coaching Clinic Series Program. After successfully having a similar program with UNISBA Batch 1 and Batch 2, RSI is currently collaborating with Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta. There were 65 participants of Author & Co-Author and 31 total articles participating in the program.
The program was being facilitated by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), Ani Wahyu Rachmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), and Santi Rahmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1).
The Webinar was opened by Mrs. Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem as Head of LPPM Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta. The content of this webinar consists of 4 materials. They were 1) Things about F1000Research E-Coaching Program; 2) Why being a Global Scholar is important? What should we do to be globally accepted?; 3) Things about RSF Gateway F1000research and the publication process; and 4) Date Guideline, Ethical Policies, & Finding Article Reviewer in F1000Research.
[Release] E-Coaching Webinar I Mar 2022
Bandung (2/3), Research Synergy Insitute (RSI) held the Second 2022 Coaching Clinic Series Program. After successfully having a similar program with UNISBA, RSI currently is collaborating with UNISBA Batch 2.0. There were 46 Authors and Co-Authors with 19 total articles participating in the program.
The program was being facilitated by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), Ani Wahyu Rachmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), and Santi Rahmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1).
The Webinar was opened by Prof. Ir. A. Harits Nu’man, Ph.D . After this coaching ended, the next webinar will be held on 10 March 2022.
Bandung (11/2), Research Synergy Insitute (RSI) held The First 2022 Coaching Clinic Series Program. After successfully having a similar program with Universitas Pertamina and UNISBA, again, RSI is currently collaborating with UNISBA. There were 30 authors and 35 co-authors from various fields such as business economics, international law, until psychology participating in the program.
The program was being facilitated by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), Ani Wahyu Rachmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), and Santi Rahmawati
(Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1).
the webinar e-coaching I was opened by Prof. Ir. A. Harits Nu’man, Ph.D
as Vice Rector I Universitas Islam Bandung. The content of this webinar consists of six materials. They were Overview E-Coaching Program & How to understand review, Research Design, Reporting Guideline & Discussion, Do and Don’t things Get Published in F1000research, How to prepare & Upload Data to Open Repository, Article submission checklist & How to submit an article to F1000research, and set an Action Plan for the coaching program. After this coaching ended, the next coaching will be held on 1 March 2022 for UNISBA