Top 3 Benefit of Scholarly Journal for Research

The rapid growth of technology has impacted the development of research and learning management. With sophisticated information technologies, it is possible for students and researchers to advance science and innovations faster. Today’s researchers can easily access scientific data in online publication. The existence of scholarly journals in the digital age help improve research productivity in significant ways, including:

1. It provides proof that supports the research result

An original research must include evidence to strengthen the answers of the research question. The evidence followed by an explanation that highlight important findings. This can be done by conducting literature review and rigorous data analysis.

2. A credible source for scientific research

It is very important to use reliable sources in academic work. The most common credible sources in writing an academic research are scholarly journals, conference papers and books. Articles in scholarly journals are reviewed by experts and must always attach proper references as the essential part of academic integrity. Author should cite only the articles in reputable journals and non-biased website.

3. Focused and relevant research

The scholarly journals are like a “warehouse” for knowing the latest development in a particular field of science. Researchers can easily find a relevant and specific information related to their work. They can also make a knowledge contribution by getting their research published in scholarly journals.

PSDKU Unpad Scientific & Academic Writing Workshop

In early 2020, Research Synergy Institute has been held the 2nd scientific and academic writing workshop collaborated with PSDKU Universitas Padjajaran.

The first session of workshop was begin with an introduction from Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih regarding her publication experience in international journal continued with sharing a knowledge how to write a high quality paper.

This workshop was focus on technical writing and how to use the manager references to simplify the management of citation and references. All the participants followed this training with a good enthusiasm in preparation for submitting their papers to the International Conference on Creative Economy and Sustainable Tourism (ICEST) 2020.


POLITALA & RSF Workshop: An Introduction to Global Research Ecosystem and Academic Paper Writing

The first workshop in 2020 was begin with a collaboration within Research Synergy Institute and Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut (Politala).  At the official opening of the workhsop, all participants and Trainers from RSI were welcomed by Dr. Mufrida Zein, S.Ag., M.Pd as a director of Politala. Dr. Mufrida has given a warm opening speech, also shared a glimpse of the Politala lectures experience in research publication and their expectation in joining the workshop.

In the first day, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as a Founder of Research Synergy Foundation -also presented as the workshop trainer- was shared interesting knowledge regarding why publication is needed and how to know the research design.

While in the second day of the workshop, Dr. Hendrati was focus more on research writing technique. In this workshop, the participants also learned how to cite properly with referencing tools.

PNJ Scientific & Academic Writing Workshop: Coaching Clinic Series


Research Synergy Institute held a Coaching Clinic Series Workshop in last December which was the last workshop organized in 2019. This workshop was a collaboration with Politeknik Negeri Jakarta with the aim to increase academic papers publication of PNJ lecturer.

In the first session, Dr. Hendrayati Dwi Mulyaningsih was shared knowledge regarding how to do a proper with high quality paper.

The next session, Mrs. Ani Wahyu Rachmawati, Director of Publication and co-founder of Research Synergy Institute, was shared information regarding coaching process and output. In this coaching clinic workshop, the participants are expected to be focused on writing good papers and in the end of coaching, they should submit their papers to the Journal within 15 days.

Indexing in Research Publication

Citation index (indexing) is an ordered list of cited articles, each accompanied by a list of citing articles. The indexing will be a parameter of the value of your research. Indexing will help the journal for being accessible to a wide audience. Journals must increase their visibility, availability and readership. All academic indexes require journals to follow certain core publishing standards. Here are some basic indexing requirements:

  • An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
  • Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)
  • An established publishing schedule
  • A copyright policy
  • Basic article-level metadata

Some of the most popular indexing include:

  1. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): DOAJ is an open access journals in all disciplines. DOAJ provides access to quality open access and peer-reviewed journals.
  2. Scopus is a general database of peer-reviewed journals in the scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
  3. Google Scholar: Google Scholar is not a human-curated database but a search engine of the whole internet which narrows the internet results based on machine automated criteria. Google Scholar Citations lets authors set up a profile page that lists their publications and citation metrics.
  4. Web of Science: WoS is an interdisciplinary and covers all scientific areas, but it only covers what is considers to “best” journals and concentrates on English language ones. There are three flagship Citation Indexes at the center of WoS Core Collection known as Science Citation Index (SCI), the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI).


Understanding the Peer-Review Process

Peer-review is one of the essential component of the academic writing process. It helps ensure the validity, originality, and suitability of submitted articles before accepting them for publication. It can be simply regarded as a quality-control system. Getting research published in a peer-reviewed journal can be time-consuming and challenging. Most scientific journals, conferences and grant applications have some sort of peer review system long review process to meet scientific standards.

The process of peer review involves an exchange between a journal editor and referees. If editorial team judges there are no fundamental flaws, they will send it for review to other scientists who work in the same field, known as peer-reviewers. Then the reviewers will provide feedback on the articles. Editors request referees to give advice and constructive comments on the scientific merit before finally recommending whether an article should be published in the journal. After going through review process, the Author may then improve and revise their article, also resubmit it for consideration.



Complete and accurate citing can enhance your credibility as a writer. It shows that you demonstrate to your readers that you are aware of the development of science and information in the field of research. It also provide evidence of your wide reading and research.

There are two areas  to acknowledge sources in academic work:

  1. In the body of the text, through in-text citations, footnotes (for additional information), or endnotes (placed before the reference list)
  2. A reference list placed at the end of an assignment or thesis, but before appendices

Make sure you know how to cite the sources correctly. It is not as simple as copying someone else’s work and including it into your paper. These sources may include books, journal articles, newspaper, government or institutional report, website information, or interview.

Here, we provide information on how you do citation properly:

1. Identifying Sources

When you cite sources, you have to identify your sources. Organize and documenting

2. Quoting

Quoting can be defined as taking an exact expression or a section of a text from original sources. If more than three lines, quotation should place separately from the rest of the text. You should also cite which page (s) you are referring to and enclose the quotation marks.

3. Use Citation Tools

Using a citation tools can be a quick way to create an appropriate referencing style and keep your research organized. You can access some citation tools freely, like Zotero, EndNote, CiteThisForMe, Citefast,and etc.




If you’re struggling to avoid plagiarism, you must know how to paraphrase in your writing.

According to, a paraphrase is a “restatement of a text in another for or other words, often simplify or clarify meaning”. Paraphrasing can be simply defined as an attempt to rewriting other opinion in your own words. We can use paraphrasing as a way of demonstrating critical thinking skills and developing shared understanding.

Here is an example of paraphrase:

Original source:

“Differentiation as an instructional approach promotes a balance between a student’s style and a student’s ability. Differentiated instruction provides the student with options for processing and internalizing the content, and for constructing new learning in order to progress academically”


“Teachers use differentiated instruction to help students learn, allowing the teacher to cater lessons to the way each student learns and each student’s skill (Thompson, 2009).”

We have three useful strategies to help you create a satisfactory paraphrase.

  • Immerse yourself in the text

Read the paragraph several times and quickly review the important points and key statements. Close the cited book or article and make notes, if necessary.

  • Change words and sentence structure

When you paraphrase, you can’t simply replace a few words. To paraphrase a source, you can emphasize your interpretation by rewording and rewriting phrases and sentences without changing the meaning from the original text. You can also use thesaurus to find synonyms and other similar terms.

  • Use a signal phrase

A paraphrase must be cited by attributing to the original source. Signaling terms (e.g., “they write”, “Smith notes that…” “He believes that…”) lets the reader know that you are introducing a source and where the paraphrase starts.


A Guide to Paraphrasing in Research Paper. Retrieved from:

Paraphrase. Retrieved from:

Using Evidence: Examples of Paraphrasing. Retrieved from:

Finding out the Novelty of the Research

Novelty of the research refers to one or elements that are new in the research, including new methodology or new observation which leads to a new knowledge discovery. A novelty might contribute to scientific progress, as stated by the Philosopher, Imre Lakatos, that good research programs are “progressive”. The novelty of the research and research impact can be a strategic way to engage the attention of the readers in a research paper. The essence of novelty of the obtained results of the research needs to be connected with their importance for science as well as with practical importance. For finding novelty in area of research, researchers need to conduct a thorough literature review to find out what is studied and what are the gaps which need to be clarified. This literature review depend on in-depth knowledge of the field. Researchers should compare and link their work with other previous research. Many high impact journals will tend to prioritize choosing to publish novel articles. With a large amount of research and rapid scientific development, it becomes a challenge and pressure for some researchers to produce innovative and relevant research.



Cohen, B.A. (2017). How Should Novelty be Valued in Science?. []

What is novelty in Research. []

PNJ Scientific & Academic Writing Workshop

On 23rd of October 2019, Research Synergy Institute held Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop collaboration with Politeknik Negeri Jakarta (PNJ). The participants was antuasiast to gain more knowledge regarding how to write high-quality academic papers.


This one day workshop was held in Jakarta which was participated not only lecturers from Politeknik Negeri Jakarta but also from Universitas Mercu Buana. Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih shared how to write a good content and how to choose the correct journal to the participant.

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