STIE Balikpapan Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop

STIE Balikpapan Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop has been conducted successfully with more than 20 participants. This workshop was held in STIE Balikpapan on September 12, 2019 which focused on scientific writing with facilitated by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as Founder of Research Synergy Foundation. This workshop was held to improve the quality and ability of writing papers from STIE Balikpapan lecturers.
Dr. Hendrati explained writing good content and using correct language. RSF also facilitates checking for plagiarism and also the use of proper grammar. In the second session, we already started for scientific technical writing. This writing starts from translate language, check for writing grammar, check for the paper plagiarism, then write the paper according to the appropriate template. The workshop ran smoothly, and participants were very enthusiastic about learning to write papers well.

By this experience, the participants expected to have high motivation in research publication not only because of job requirement as a lecturer but also passionate with the research itself.

Dealing with Paper Rejection (Author’s Perspective)

Submitted articles in high-quality scholarly journals can be rejected for many reasons. A large number of papers get rejected solely on the basis of their writing or without being reviewed any further. Every researcher experiences rejection at all stages of their careers. Studies have shown that around 21% are rejected without review, and approximately 40% of papers are rejected after peer review. In such cases, every authors need to figure out number of options on what to do when their papers are rejected.

  1. Give yourself time and face it with a clear mind and proper analysis
  2. Provide the submission details and learn all the details of reviewer comments
  3. Asking Editor to reconsider with good reasons and arguments
  4. Revise, rewritten and (re)submit to same or another journal that fits your work
  5. Do a series of improvements for your articles
  6. Ask advice to a more experienced researcher who has published more than you
  7. Editors, like all humans, make mistakes
  8. Try again and do some research works

Having a paper rejected can be frustrating and make you unhappy, but you still have a chance to turn this condition into your advantage. Your work is likely not as terrible or flawed as you think it is and editors often make the wrong decision. Enjoy and good luck for publishing your research and get some more experience!


Scientific Writing and Publishing in High Impact Journal Workshop with Dr. Hiram Ting

Research Synergy Institute was organized the workshop entitled “Scientific Writing and Publishing in High Impact Journal Workshop” in September 17, 2019, at Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba). This event was held in cooperation with Asian Journal of Business Research, MAG Scholar and Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba). Present as the trainers were Dr. Hiram Ting from from UCSI University, Sarawak, Malaysia, as a Vice President of MAG Scholar and Managing Editors of  Asian Journal of Business Research and Dr. Jacky Cheah from Universiti Putra Malaysia. The workshop was attended by 14 invited lecturers from universities that have been affiliated with RSF. Before attending the workshop, several participants had presented their articles at a conference organized by RSF.

The workshop was officially opened by Dean of UNISBA Master of Management, Prof. Dr. Muhardi, S.E.,M.Si and Research Synergy Foundation Chairman, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih. The workshop began with a brief explanation from Dr. Hendrati regarding the scientific process commonly carried out by RSF to improve the development of higher education in Indonesia and even to the global scope. The workshop then continued with a very enlightening presentation from Dr. Hiram Ting. There are a number of salient pointes which were emphasized in Dr. Hiram’s presentation: the philosophy of research publication, technical preparations for publishing articles in reputable journals, understanding the reviewing process and how articles get accepted or rejected by a journal. Dr. Hiram also explained about the publish-or-perish as a part of scientific cultures among academicians and how to deal with it. In the midst of the challenges of lecturers to teach and the responsibility of research publication, Dr. Hiram shared his positive experience and some tricks that made him able to contribute many academics achievement, especially through research publication. He said that he always include his students and colleagues regardless of their level of education, to help contribute research ideas or data. The lecturers must create a comfortable and conducive environment in conducting a research. He also stressed the importance of being emotionally intelligent and open-minded person in accepting a constructive criticism from reviewers.

In the next session, his presentation was then continued by his friend who was a young researcher, Dr. Jacky Cheah. Dr. Jacky Cheah was one of the young researchers who has many achievements among Malaysian academics. He shared his experience of how he struggled to make a lot of research and then published it in reputable journals. He also contributes as a reviewer and editor in several reputable journals. Together with Dr. Hiram, Dr. Jacky communicated effectively with all participants and provided their best advice and review in each of their respective papers. They also recommend which journals that are suitable for their research. Both Dr. Hiram and Dr. Jacky, they acknowledged that their research activities are mostly done outside the university. The workshop atmosphere was very intensive and conducive with the recommendations and directions from the workshop trainers. The workshop then ended with a group photo session. By holding the workshop, RSF & RSI hopes that this will become one of the media to create a conducive research ecosystem and support the capacity-building of Indonesia Researchers.

Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop in Paramadina University, Jakarta

In 13th January, 2019, Paramadina University in collaboration with Research Synergy held a one day workshop entitled “Scientific Paper-Writing Workshop” at Paramadina University, Jakarta to help improve the academic writing skills of lecturers and researchers in Paramadina University. This workshop also intended as the preparation of paper submission for International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity (ICOACI) Conference. ICOACI will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia on 2019. The conference proceedings of ICOACI 2019 will be submitted for inclusion to Scopus for possible indexing.

Mr. Sumaryo Suryokusumo as the representative of Paramadina University delivered the Opening Remarks to welcome all the participants in the workshop. More than 20 faculty members, lecturers, young researchers from Universitas Paramadina, participated in the workshop. Dr. Hendrati Mulyaningsih, as the Founder of Research Synergy Foundation, and Mr. Febrialdy Hendratawan as the Operation Team were the workshop facilitators. Dr. Hendrati then introduced the step-by-step formula to write a coherent and informative research paper. In addition, all the workshop facilitators also reminded all the participants about the clarity and readability of their research paper to facilitate the possibility of passing the review from the Editor. All the participants found the workshop useful as it increased their knowledge and capacity to improve their research paper. This workshop will continue the second session in the next month. The second session will be led by Publication Department of Research Synergy Foundation to check the papers for plagiarism, grammar, and paper formatting using RSF professional tools before starting the submission process in the conference website. All the participants in the 2nd Workshop will be requested to bring the draft of their final paper to be reviewed and discussed with the workshop facilitators.

Write a Scientific Paper: How to Start?

A research paper is basically a type of academic writing that should have theoretical and significant data that has gone through proper in-depth research. When you write about scientific topics to specialists in a particular scientific field, we call that scientific writing. Scientific papers typically have two audiences: first, the referees, who help the journal editor decide whether a paper is suitable for publication; and second, the journal readers themselves, who may be more or less knowledgeable about the topic addressed in the paper.

The first thing you will need to do when you start writing your research paper is to select your research topic. Choosing a topic that interest you much might give a motivation to do an effective research. When choosing the topic and relevant information, have a look at the date. It is recommended to use the most up-to-date and reliable sources: please do not select sources that are older than five years. Good scientific research begins with an original idea that is put into practice by means of a robust methodology. Before starting to write, you should ensure all the necessary information, for example all data, references and any draft of tables or figures, are at hand.

After your in-depth research, write an outline of your research. A research paper is typically composed of a number of sections:

  1. Cover page
  2. Title page – this page is containing the subject of work, the researcher`s data and date of writing;
  3. Abstract; summary of paper: The main reason for the study, the primary results, the main conclusions
  4. Introduction – here you can point out the reasons why you have started to write your paper and represent thesis as well;
  5. Body paragraphs (experiment description and methods) – reveals the essence of work;
  6. Findings (a.k.a. Results or what was found)
  7. Discussion; why these results could be significant (what the reasons might be for the patterns found or not found)
  8. Conclusion – imply the interpretation of results received during the research and the brief review of the whole work;
  9. Bibliography/reference list – means the listing of referenced literature and other information sources;
  10. Appendix (if any attachments were present).

Once your first draft feels right, with all the vital information and sources put in, you can proceed to editing and writing out your final paper. Often a manuscript has more than one author and thus the writing may be shared. However, the style needs to be consistent throughout so even if sections of the early drafts are written by different authors, the first author must go through the entire manuscript before submitting, and make any necessary editorial changes.

Why is it Important to Publish your Research?

Successful publication of research brings attention to scholars and their institutions. Scholars in every countries are being pushed to write more. Every university is unique and all have something different to offer their post-graduate and PhD students, but they all have one thing in common– PUBLISH OR PERISH! This phrase initially coined by Coolidge in 1932 is now becoming a harsh reality. Competition for academic positions is fierce, and publishing is used to select those students who stand out and separate them from the rest. Because the publishing process is highly competitive, and to publish in a high quality journal requires you to compete against researchers who are much more experienced than you, being able to publish shows that you actually know what you are doing and that you have the potential of advancing your field. Thus the strongest and best are selected.

What motivates authors to go through the writing process, and then the peer review process, in order to publish their work? According to Chris A. Mack, there are two kinds of motivations, altruism and self-interest, and most authors have some combination of the two.


Peer-reviewed science publications are the predominant method today for disseminating and archiving scientific advances (books, conference presentations, and university teaching are other common ways). Science grows and advances through a communal collection of knowledge that is constantly being challenged, revised, and expanded. Most scientists have a strong desire to contribute to the advancement of their field, which is often their primary reason for becoming a scientist. Publication is usually the most straightforward way to make such a contribution, and it is thus highly motivating (and satisfying) to most scientists.


Self-Interest Publishing can also bring tangible benefits to an author, thus providing a self-interested motivation for writing and publishing a paper. Publishing may be required for career advancement and is frequently accompanied by direct or indirect monetary rewards. The familiar “publish or perish” paradigm in academia adds a proverbial stick to the carrot of career advancement. But even without these obvious professional motivations, almost all human beings crave recognition for their efforts.

After all of the hard work that goes into performing successful research, the final crucial step is choosing the right journal in which to publish. Publication in journals also benefits the careers of those who publish, even technical specialists who publish infrequently. Publication in a peer-reviewed journal is the obvious goal of most research projects. It is through publication that Researchers have an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas with the rest of the scientific community which may prove invaluable in improving the existing and prospective knowledge base in a particular field. Some journals are published weekly, some monthly and some at other regular intervals.

So, Good Luck for your Research!


Source: Chris A. Mack, “How to Write a Good Scientific Paper?” Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Washington (2018).

1st Scientific and Academic Paper-Writing Workshop in Semarang University (USM)

Academic and Scientific Paper Writing Workshop was organized by Research Synergy Institute on 6th-7th March 2019 at Universitas Semarang. This workshop aimed at developing scientific writing skills. As participants will be working on research papers, the workshop will be helpful for those who will submit their papers and attend the Business and Economic Series Conference (BES) and Sosial Science Series Conference (SOSCIS). These conferences was a joint effort of Research Synergy Foundation and Universitas Semarang. All the conference proceedings will be submitted for indexing in Scopus by Taylor & Francis.

The workshop started with inauguration by Prof. Dr. Dra. Hardani Widhiastuti, M.M., Psikolog as the 1st Vice Chancellor of Universitas Semarang. In the first session, the workshop material was given by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih. The workshop was attended by more than fifty participants including post graduate, doctoral students and lecturers of Universitas Semarang.Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as the Research Synergy Foundation Founder. In her presentation, Dr. Hendrati explained the procedures for writing scientific papers and ethical issues in the field of scientific publication.

In the next session, participants learned about the publication and peer-review process for their research paper in the upcoming conferences. The RSF Publication Department Team also explained the mechanism for translating documents, plagiarism checking, paraphrasing, grammar checking and how to format the paper according to the Taylor & Francis template. Furthermore, RSF Publication Team also explained how to submit the paper correctly on the RSF website. After completing the workshop, some lecturers of Universitas Semarang will co-ordinate the work related with the workshop to assure the quality of research publication. A certificate of completion will be awarded to those participants who successfully completed the workshop.

Academic and Scientific Paper Writing Workshop (Universitas Terbuka)

On Wednesday January 30, 2019, Universitas Terbuka (UT) in collaboration with Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) held an Academic and Scientific Paper Writing Workshop. This workshop is one of the steps to increase quality of the participants (students, lecturers, and practitioners) in writing scientific articles and applied their publications in highly reputable journals. The workshop is useful for participants who will participate in the upcoming ICIEP conference.

The workshop that took place at Universitas Terbuka Wisma I, Pondok Cabe, South Tangerang City, at 09.00-17.00 WIB was attend by lecturers of UT especially from Faculty of Teacher Training and Education and also general participants from other institutions.  

The material for writing scientific articles was supported by discussions of how to make an interesting paper. In the first session, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as a Founder and Chairman of RSF was gave the workshop material such as procedures and steps for writing scientific articles. The second session was explained by RSF Publication Department Team about mechanism for checking grammar, plagiarism and paraphrasing the sentence carried out through the professional tools and also write the paper according to the Taylor and Francis template. After the writing paper mechanism process, then explained also about how to submit the paper to ICIEP website. Both discussions in the first and second sessions went well with high enthusiasm from the participants.

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