RSF Research Academy: Qualitative Method II by Dr. Sia Bee-Chuan

On September 30, 2020, RSF Research Academy Day 7 & 8 on the theme “Quantitative Method I & II” was successfully completed. Dr. Sia has comprehensively explained steps process to conduct qualitative researches. The data sampling techniques and its analysis strategies were also thoroughly presented based on approaches in qualitative method. There are a lot of computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software for qualitative research. Dr. Sia then explored several options in using qualitative data analysis software for researchers. The material of this session will be of great help for understanding practice and identifying qualitative research needs.

Research Article & Conference Paper Preparation for ICE AKN Tarutung 2020

Research Synergy Foundation and Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Tarutung  was conducted a virtual workshop by the theme “Research Article & Conference Paper Preparation for ICE AKN Tarutung 2020” on September 24, 2020. The workshop was aimed to properly prepare all stages of writing manuscripts and related descriptions for International Conference of Education in the New Normal Era (ICE IAKN) 2020. Rector of IAKN Tarutung, Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, encouraged IAKN lecturers to make good research that can be published in international journals. The workshop was attended by 25 lecturers with a research background in theology and religion studies. Their research result will enrich global knowledge, and be applied in many other areas as well. Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as a chairman of Research Synergy Foundation has served as the trainer of the workshop. Dr. Hendrati shared her perspectives and experiences on how to be global researchers and build a better research culture among lecturers. RSF has several established platforms to support the creation of global research ecosystem, including: Scholarvein, RSF Press, Research Synergy Institute, and Reviewer Track. Dr. Hendrati also gave advice on how to make a research design and develop a search strategy for a literature review. At the end of Dr. Hendrati presentation, the participants consulted their research that will be presented in the upcoming conference to the trainer.

In the next session, participants then learned some computer-based tools that can used to improve content and language quality in their manuscripts. The session was guided by Ms. Ani Wahyu as a Director of Research Synergy Institute. Participants were directed to follow step by step in translating, checking the quality of grammar, and paraphrasing. She also emphasized to all participants to keep checking the content and language quality to other expert and native speaker for better result.

The 2nd Universitas Pertamina Scientific & Academic Writing: E-Coaching Clinic Series 2020

Universitas Pertamina and Research Synergy Foundation has successfully conducted a virtual coaching on “The 2nd Scientific & Academic Writing: E-Coaching Clinic Series 2020” on September 17, 2020. This second coaching were designed to help more than 30 lecturers from Universitas Pertamina and STIDKI Ar Rahmah Surabaya continue to work through the research process and get it published in a suitable journal. Prior to the event, participants have undergone a series of assistance paper-writing program from RSF scientific team. The program includes draft submission, content and language review, and journal recommendation from reviewers and journal editors who have been affiliated with RSF.

Source: Participants of Universitas Pertamina Coaching, RSF

Source: Participants of Universitas Pertamina Coaching, RSF

At the beginning of the coaching session, Mrs. Ani Wahyu as the Director of Research Synergy Institute, reminded participants of the steps that must be followed before submitting their manuscripts to the recommended journals. The session then continued by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as a Chairman of Research Synergy Foundation, who delivered some key techniques and strategies for author to improve the quality of the manuscripts. Dr. Hendrati shared her experiences based on his point of view as an author and journal editor. She also gave explanations regarding the differences between conceptual and empirical papers. In addition, Dr. Hendrati guided the revision process of the participants reviewed articles. During the session, participants were allowed to consult virtually about their research papers to the trainer. At the end of the session, Mrs. Ani then explained several methods that author can use to choose journals that are suitable for their research. These methods are beneficial for authors so that they can recognize the preferences of each recommended journals and also avoid choosing predatory journals or publishers.

RSF Research Academy Session: Quantitative Method II by Dr. Jayson Cham Tat-Huei

Today, on September 16, 2020, RSF Research Academy Day 6 on the theme “Quantitative Method II” was successfully completed. Dr. Jayson Cham Tat-Huei has presented this excellent course with clear practical examples. This session are designed to introduce the participants to know how to conduct a quantitative research design. The participants learned what the survey sampling methods for obtaining quantitative data. The webinar run interactively, Dr. Jayson allowed all participants to ask questions directly or raise hand virtually.

Webinar #AskEditor3: Learn from Publisher: How to Publish Open Access Scopus/WOS Indexed Journal

Research Synergy Foundation in collaboration with Taylor & Francis organized a webinar on the theme “Webinar #AskEditor3: Learn from Publisher: How to Publish Open Access Scopus/WOS Indexed Journal”. The webinar addressed the publication issues and opportunities in Open Access Scopus/WOS Indexed Journal. RSF and T&F had earlier launch a webinar series ““How to Publish Open Access with Taylor and Francis”. The topic attracted hundreds of participants who were researchers and students from various countries. The organizers then decided to hold more than one session focused on helping researchers develop their skills in manuscript writing based on journal’s editor perspective and understanding OA as a form of scholarly publishing for researchers.

In this webinar, Victoria Babbit as Director of Researcher Development & Outreach, Taylor & Francis. Victoria provided information about types of open access journals and insight into how to write a proper manuscript based on editors’ perspective. Victoria shared an overview of F1000 research and ‘How Researcher’ program from Taylor & Francis. She offered some suggestions for authors on the craft of writing an effective manuscript. She also described general rules of writing abstract, discussion, citation, as well as some publication ethics issues. In the question and answer round, many questions from participants were answered very informatively by the speaker.

RSF Research Academy: Systematic Literature Review using NVivo by Mr. Fulgensius and Mr.Benediktoharies

Participants of RSF Research Academy Session 4 from Indonesia

Participants of RSF Research Academy Session 4 from Indonesia, Pakistan, and Peru

Today, on September 3, 2020, participants of RSF Research Academy have completed a series of training on how to manage systematic literature review using Publish or Perish, Mendeley, and NVivo. This session has been divided into two classes for learning effectiveness in which each consisted of participants using Bahasa language with Mr. Fulgensius, and English language with Mr.Benediktoharies. Before continuing the session, participants were reminded to install all applications properly according to the modules that have been given by the trainers. During the session, participants are directed to apply each steps of the NVivo application and have live access to the trainers for Q&A. The trainers has provided modules and several articles that can be tested into NVivo application until the final stage. The session was very interactive and informative, especially for those who were conducting research with a qualitative approach.

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