Open Access vs. Closed Access Journal: A Publication Option

Many academic researchers pursue to publish their original research in reputable journals. Along with the growth of technology and knowledge development, the number of scientific publication will continue to rise and shift to digital distribution. The scholarly journal is one of the many venues to disseminate knowledge to a broader audience in all parts of the world. Researchers could freely choose based on their research field and quality, publication speed, also the cost to publish.

In today academic world, there are two types of journal publications that are widely known apart from a traditional journal (hard-copy/printed journal): 1) Open Access, and 2) Closed Access. Each journal type has advantages and disadvantages. Open Access Journal can enhance the visibility and make the spreading of knowledge more feasible. The visibility can lead to a citation impact advantage.

The cost of publication in open access journals are commonly more expensive than closed access journals. However, articles in closed-access journals are initially only visible to people at institutions which have a license for these specific journals. Researchers in developing countries are less able to access research, so they gain more from open access journals. Although both journals produce more forms of e-print, it also provides printed version for each journals. There are also hybrid open access journals that contains a mixture of open access articles and closed access articles.


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