Djuanda University Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop

Scientific and Academic Writing Workshop was organized with the aim of developing participants capability and confidence on “how to get their articles published” in the high level journals. The workshop was conducted by Research Synergy Institute and Djuanda University. Over the next couple of months, Djuanda University and Research Synergy Foundation will organize 3 international conferences: 2nd International Conference of Current Issues in Educations, Economics, Social Science and Humanities (ICIESH) in Bogor, Indonesia, 3rd International Conference for Applied Science (ICAS) and 3rd International Conference for Social Science (ICSS) in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. This workshop is one of the series of scientific prerequisites before all participants attend international conferences. The workshop will be particularly relevant for doctoral students and faculty members who are expecting to publish their research in a global scholar network. Publishing in peer-reviewed journals is becoming increasingly crucial for individual careers in higher education and for the ranking of universities in general.

The workshop was officially opened by Dr. Ir. Dede Kardaya, M.Si as the Chancellor of Djuanda University. The workshop then continued with a presentation on research and scientific writing procedures from Dr. Ismi Rajiani, as the Chief of Editorial Hub of Research Synergy Foundation. Dr. Ismi Rajiani shared his experience of writing and publishing research papers and some advices on how to pass a journal review process. With the help of facilitators from Research Synergy Institute, Dr. Ismi was also given a step-by-step exercises that help all participants to write papers from beginning (abstract) till the end (conclusion). Some participants who have completed their papers brought their drafts and consult it with the trainers.

During the workshop, two workshop facilitators ensured that the final draft of all participants conforms to the submission guideline in conference website. Plagiarism should be avoided. All papers that will be submitted to the conference will be carefully checked by Turnitin. While doing several types of research papers, authors are obliged to paraphrase another author’s thoughts and cite their sources properly. The workshop concluded with facilitators guidance to help all participants makes a new submission in the conference website and remind them to complete and collect consent forms for the purpose of publication.

The Growing Importance of Engaging in Collaborative Research

There are many components of educational success that can actually be measured. The issue concerning the quality and quantity of the research performed by universities should be the main concern. Research should be conducted in a manner that is appropriate, ethical and humane manner. Researchers should endeavor to ensure that the research should both benefit society and social harm and addressing balanced ethical decisions.

Academic research is becoming ever more international. Whether it is to gain access to specialized equipment, develop new ideas or tap into new sources of funding, researchers are reaching out to their colleagues around the world, and their work is better for it. However, conducting a research, especially in developing countries, often have to overcome some challenges. For handling the lack of standardization in the research process, engaging in collaborative research is a necessity.

Academic and research collaboration is a very valuable tool that not only accelerates the progress but also enhances the quality of the work and extends the repertoire of the partners. Academic collaboration is beneficial to the faculty in learning new teaching tools, and to the students in increasing the breadth of their knowledge and learning different approaches to solving a problem.

In the scientific world, scientists depend and survive on their extensive collaborations with colleagues. The academic world urgently needs a critical discussion on what is meant by ‘good’ research. Debating ideas is also important for creativity and approaching problems in a consistent and systematic way.

In the globalized society we live in, international collaboration programs help by providing students with the ability to study, work, and travel in an international capacity. In a collaboration, better and more concrete networks will be built. International collaborations, and especially working abroad, can also provide a real career boost. The digital age is making international collaboration even easier.

Be a Reviewer and Grow your Academic Career

All scholarly journals go through the peer-review process as the screening and evaluation work to ensure the quality of a research paper. Peer-review is a  key part of the academic publishing process. Papers should be published according to the merit of their scientific contribution. A Review process will help the editor decide whether or not to publish the article. Typically reviewers are invited to conduct a review by a journal editor. Editors usually select qualified experts or researchers that are experts in the same subject area as the paper. Reviewing is a process that every researcher should contribute to.

Reviewers evaluate article submissions to journals based on the requirements of that journal, predefined criteria, and the quality, completeness and accuracy of the research presented. They provide feedback on the paper, suggest improvements and make a recommendation to the editor about whether to accept, reject or request changes to the article. The ultimate decision always rests with the editor but reviewers play a significant role in determining the outcome.

Although reviewing requires the investment of time and an expertise test, there are great benefits if you choose to become a reviewer:

  1. Reviewing other papers in your field is a critical thinking process that may provide new insights about your own work.
  2. Establish your expertise in the field and expand your knowledge
  3. Reviewing papers also helps a researcher to know other’s research work much earlier
  4. A reviewer can establish his/her profile in the manuscript system and build a professional relationship with the editors
  5. Performing a review can be a part of a promotion portfolio of your academic career. It is a part of an essential role for researchers.

Many people in science community enjoy serving the community without expecting any compensation. The review service is a kind of “service to profession” that mentally makes the reviewer happy.

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