Webinar Ask Expert #6 : Visualizing Scientometric with VOS Viewer

On this chance, Research Synergy Institute collaborated with Paramadina University presented webinar Ask Expert #6 themed Visualizing Scientometric with VOS Viewer. The participants was quite excited about this topic, especially the ones who are interested about scientometric method.

the summary of this program could be found here on our Instagram account

Have a nice reading!

E-Coaching Clinic Series 2021

Research Synergy Institute held a coaching with an interesting topic: Enhancing and Accelerating Author Capacity towards Outstanding Global Scholars. This events held on 7th of april – 10 of may 2021.  By the end of this program, participants was expected to able to (1) Identify the area for developing the quality of articles to Submit in Reputable Journals, (2) Respond to reviews and make improvements based on research content, and (3) Designing an article improvement action plan with a particular time of target.

The facilitators of this program are

Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih — Founder & Chairman Research Synergy Foundation. Authors, Reviewers, Editor International Journal. Gateway Advisor F1000Research (Scopus Q1/Taylor & Francis)

Santi Rahmawati — Founder & Director Global Network Research Synergy Foundation, Director Scholarvein, Gateway Advisor F1000Research (Scopus Q1/Taylor & Francis)

Ani Wahyu Rachmawati — Founder & Director Publication Research Synergy Foundation Learning Designer Research Synergy Institute, Gateway Advisor F1000Research Scopus Q1/Taylor & Francis)

for further information about this program, you could send a message to our team!

Webinar AskExpert #5: Strategi Peningkatan Ranking Universitas Berstandar Internasional

Peningkatan Ranking Universitas Berstandar Internasional, Mengapa penting dan Bagaimana Strategi nya?

Secara prinsip adanya peningkatan ranking universitas penting untuk reputasi dan diperlukan untuk persaingan dalam dunia global. Bagi negara maju adanya ranking universitas ini merupakan fokusnya adalah bagaimana mempertahankan reputasi atau ranking yang sudah ada, sementara untuk negara berkembang lebih banyak fokus pada bagaimana masuk ke dalam top ranking tersebut.

Ada 3 ranking yang dominan diakui secara internasional yaitu:
1. Quacquarelli Symbols (QS)
2. Times Higher Education
3. Shanghai Ranking / Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)

Quacquarelli Symbols (QS) University World ranking mengambil data perankingan berdasarkan 2 data survey yaitu akademis dan employer luar (peer review dari universitas luar) meliputi berbagai indikator pengukuran. Detail mengenai klasifikasi ranking dan indikator nya bisa di akses di tautan ini: https://www.topuniversities.com. Metric yang digunakan oleh QS University World Ranking adalah Academic reputation 40 %, Employer reputation 10%, Faculty student ratio 20%, Citation per faculty 20%, International faculty ratio 5%, International student ratio, 5%.

Times Higher Education merupakan ragam perankingan lainnya yang diakui secara internasional berdasarkan : Jumlah publikasi yang cukup dalam periode 5 tahun (1000 paper), Program pengajaran S1 (bachelor degree), Program pengajaran subjek yang beragam. Ragam perankingan dan indikatornya bisa diakses di tautan ini: https://www.timeshighereducation.com. Metric yang digunakan oleh Times Higher Education adalah Teaching 30%, Research 30%, Citation 30%, International outlook 7.5%, Industry income 2.5%.

Shanghai Ranking / Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) merupakan perangkingan dalam 54 subjek di dalam natural science, engineering, life science dan lain sebagainya. Ragam perankingan dan indicator nya bisa diakses di tautan berikut ini: http://www.shanghairanking.com/index.html . Metric yang digunakan oleh Shanghai Ranking / Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) Quality of Education : Alumni yang menang Nobel Prize dan Field Medal, 10 %, Quality of Faculty : Staff yang menang Nobel Prize dan Field Medal, 20 %, Research Output : Paper yang diterbitkan 40%. Selain dari ketiga pemeringkat ranking yang diakui secara internacional seperti sudah dijelaskan diatas, ada pula Impact Ranking yaitu pemeringkatan/ rangking berdasarkan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) yang merupakan bagian dari Times Higher Education (THE). Ragam Indikator dan hasil perankingan di tahun 2020 bisa di akses di tautan ini: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/impactrankings#!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/undefined

Lalu bagaimana strategi yang bisa dilakukan oleh Universitas untuk bisa mendongkrak posisinya di ketiga organisasi pemeringkatan yang diakui secara Internasional diatas? Ada beberapa hal yang bisa di inisiasi oleh Universitas yaitu: Meningkatkan Research Productivity yang terukur dari Artikel Ilmiah yang di publikasikan dan meningkatkan Research Skill Development yaitu meningkatnya kapasitas keterampilan melakukan riset yang berkualitas. Research Synergy Foundation telah di inisiasi untuk membantu Universitas-universitas untuk melakukan “loncatan” inovasi menuju universitas berkelas dunia. Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Research Synergy Foundation dapat diakses disini: https://www.researchsynergy.org.

Webinar AskExpert #5: Strategi Peningkatan Ranking Universitas Berstandar Internasional yang diselenggarakan ole Research Synergy Foundation dan Research Synergy Institute dengan Narasumber Prof. Hadrian G. Djajadikerta dari Edith Cowan University, Perth Austalia. Beliau adalah diaspora di Australia dan berpengalaman sebagai konsultan peningkatan mutu universitas secara Internasional.

RSF Research Academy: Qualitative Method I by Dr. Sia Bee Chuan

Today, on September 23, 2020, RSF Research Academy Day 7 on the theme “Qualitative Method I” was presented by Dr. Sia Bee Chuan. This online lecture was to prepare the participants develop their scholarly writing in qualitative research. The expert has years of experience teaching qualitative research. Dr. Sia explained basic philosophy of qualitative method. She then discussed five approaches in qualitative research design and how to use it in applied situation. The session will be continued next week along with the complete answers from the expert to the participants’ questions.

The 2nd Universitas Pertamina Scientific & Academic Writing: E-Coaching Clinic Series 2020

Universitas Pertamina and Research Synergy Foundation has successfully conducted a virtual coaching on “The 2nd Scientific & Academic Writing: E-Coaching Clinic Series 2020” on September 17, 2020. This second coaching were designed to help more than 30 lecturers from Universitas Pertamina and STIDKI Ar Rahmah Surabaya continue to work through the research process and get it published in a suitable journal. Prior to the event, participants have undergone a series of assistance paper-writing program from RSF scientific team. The program includes draft submission, content and language review, and journal recommendation from reviewers and journal editors who have been affiliated with RSF.

Source: Participants of Universitas Pertamina Coaching, RSF

Source: Participants of Universitas Pertamina Coaching, RSF

At the beginning of the coaching session, Mrs. Ani Wahyu as the Director of Research Synergy Institute, reminded participants of the steps that must be followed before submitting their manuscripts to the recommended journals. The session then continued by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as a Chairman of Research Synergy Foundation, who delivered some key techniques and strategies for author to improve the quality of the manuscripts. Dr. Hendrati shared her experiences based on his point of view as an author and journal editor. She also gave explanations regarding the differences between conceptual and empirical papers. In addition, Dr. Hendrati guided the revision process of the participants reviewed articles. During the session, participants were allowed to consult virtually about their research papers to the trainer. At the end of the session, Mrs. Ani then explained several methods that author can use to choose journals that are suitable for their research. These methods are beneficial for authors so that they can recognize the preferences of each recommended journals and also avoid choosing predatory journals or publishers.

Universitas Pertamina Scientific & Academic Writing: E-Coaching Clinic Series 2020

Universitas Pertamina and Research Synergy Foundation has organized a virtual workshop on “Scientific & Academic Writing: E-Coaching Clinic Series 2020” on August 31, 2020. The workshop was designed for lecturers and faculty members of Universitas Pertamina to enhance their capacity to be global researchers and learn valuable insights to prepare a good manuscript to be published in international reputable journals. The workshop was attended by 30 lecturers and faculty members with different research fields from Universitas Pertamina.

Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as a chairman of Research Synergy Foundation has served as the trainer of the workshop. Dr. Hendrati shared her perspectives and experiences on how to be global researchers and build a better research culture among lecturers. By encouraging its academic staff to contribute their research globally will increase an international exposure for a university. Lecturers can actually empower their social and academic environment to inspire many research works. Dr. Hendrati then shared her experience of developing a research culture in a wider-way through Research Synergy Foundation by conducting international academic forum and facilitating publication opportunities for global researchers. RSF has several established platforms to support the creation of global research ecosystem, including: Scholarvein, RSF Press, Research Synergy Institute, and Reviewer Track.

Participants then learned some computer-based tools that can used to improve content and language quality in a manuscripts. The session was guided by Ms. Ani Wahyu as a Director of Research Synergy Institute. Ms. Ani also explained the key partners who have affiliated with RSF to increase publication opportunities in international journals, such as Taylor & Francis, F1000, and many Scopus and WOS Indexed Journals.

Road to UPN Conference Series 2020: Transforming Community Service Program Report into Good Research Paper

On August 27, 2020, Research Synergy Foundation in collaboration with UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta conducted a virtual workshop for faculty members, lecturers, and professors in the fields of management, social sciences, technology, and engineering. The workshop focused on exploring data and perspectives on how to gain international exposure by developing a research culture in a university and improve the knowledge about writing a research. The workshop also provided a technical guidance to assist researchers preparing their manuscripts submission to international journals. There are more than 80 participants registered from UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, STIA Bina Banua Banjarmasin, Politeknik Bali, Universitas Diponegoro, and Universitas Islam Bandung.

Presented as the trainer, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih first delivered some important data and perspectives related why Indonesian researchers should be global researchers. Dr. Hendrati then shared her experience of developing a research culture in a wider-way through Research Synergy Foundation by conducting international academic forum and facilitating publication opportunities for global researchers. RSF has several established platforms to support the creation of global research ecosystem, including: Scholarvein, RSF Press, Research Synergy Institute, and Reviewer Track.  RSF has also partnered with Taylor & Francis and F1000 as one of the publication gateways in several research fields. As RSF Chairman and a reviewer from some reputable journals, Dr, Hendrati also explained about what a good research is and how to be a productive researchers. Based on the insightful explanation, many participants asked many questions about their written manuscripts and international journals to the trainer.

The workshop then continued by Ms. Ani Wahyu guiding the technical process to improve content and language quality in a manuscript with a computer-based tools so that it can increase the possibility of acceptance in a high-indexed journal. Participants are guided to use applications such as grammarly, google drive, and etc. Ms. Ani also explained how to choose a reputable journal and avoid any predatory journals. By conducting the workshop, participants are expected to prepare their best manuscripts to be presented at upcoming UPN Conference Series 2020.

RSF Research Academy: Systematic Literature Review using Mendeley by Mr. Fulgensius and Mr.Benediktoharies

The August 26 online lecture session presentation “Systematic Literature Review using Mendeley” was presented by Mr. Fulgensius and Mr.Benediktoharies from Areopagus Indonesia. The participants received an overview of the Publish or Perish, Mendeley, and NVivo as computer-based applications which can help the researchers improve the quality of content and research writing of their manuscripts. Each of these software has its advantages. The session is divided into two learning days. All participants have been able to install the software properly and try to practice it with trainers guide during the session.

Publish or Perish is a software program developed by Professor Anne-Wil Harzing of the University of Melbourne. The software is designed to retrieve and analyze academic citations. Mendeley Reference Manager is a software that helps to manage research data and simplify reference management workflow in systematic way. While NVivo provides software tools to assist researchers undertaking analysis of qualitative data. NVivo can help researchers to manage, explore, and find patterns and insights in unstructured or qualitative data. Using the software in a research can bring in numerous benefit for researchers. It can also minimize the time and effort that takes to collect and analyze data, and simplifies the entire research process. Many researchers and students have found great help through some research tools and software, so it will increase productivity of researchers.

Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Scientific and Academic Writing: Pre E-Coaching Clinic Series

On August 13, 2020, Research Synergy Foundation in collaboration with Universitas Katolik Parahyangan conducted a webinar by the theme “Scientific and Academic Writing: Pre E-Coaching Clinic Series”. The webinar aims to encourage research productivity among lecturers, as well as facilitates them to use computer-based tools to be applied in every stage of research process. The coaching started by a brief introduction regarding Research Synergy Foundation as a global research ecosystem by Ms. Santi Rachmawati. The webinar was attended by 35 lecturers from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, STIDKI Ar Rahmah Surabaya, and Universitas Padjadjaran.

The webinar then continued by a presentation from Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as Founder and Chairman of Research Synergy Foundation. Dr. Hendrati began her presentation by sharing some facts and figures to be a World Class University and what is Indonesia’s position in the midst of world education level competition. Since WUS is now becoming a global obsession, the university must prepare the necessary prerequisites to achieve the status. The notion of World Class University includes some alignment of key factors. There are at least four key factors that are required to be WUS: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook. Producing advanced research is one of the key characteristic of the WUS. So, university should have a high concentration to enhance research productivity and provide a number a scheme to facilitate it. Research Synergy Foundation as a global research ecosystem is committed to help universities or institutions to promote research excellence and global outlook with an established system of an extensive network and artificial intelligence. Currently, Research Synergy Foundation have collaborated with many partners and have many members.

Dr. Hendrati also shared some tips and strategies on how to structure a good academic paper to increase the opportunity to be published in any global education forums or reputable indexed journals. In this session, the participants were very enthusiastic in asking questions regarding their development of their respective research. The session then continued by Ms. Ani Wahyu as a moderator with a short training on several tools that researchers could use to improve academic paper quality. Ms. Ani demonstrated on how to use computer-based tools for improving language quality and writing style.

RSF Research Academy: Theory and Framework Development II by Dr. Evan Lau

On August 19, 2020, the online lecture by the theme “Theory and Framework Development II” have been conducted successfully. Research Synergy Foundation and Research Synergy Institute in collaboration with Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba) continue to invite Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evan Lau as an expert in the 2nd Day of RSF Research Academy. The organizers are committed to encourage all participants to develop their research skill to work towards a better research process.


Dr. Evan Lau continued to review and discuss how to design conceptual framework. Dr. Evan gave an explanation about the conceptual/theoretical framework in the first place, then demonstrated an interconnected flow chart that illustrates an example of conceptual framework. He also described several important uses of theoretical framework that can help to strengthen a research and how to develop it. For most researchers, it is sometimes difficult to find the answer to the research question, so the expert reminded all the participants to read and review in depth the literature related to the research, also shared some tips for managing a research process. In this online lecture session, the participants were given to create and present their research conceptual frameworks. Dr. Evan then reviewed all the presented conceptual framework charts one after another in detail. The participants ended up getting a material that was very useful and informative for their research. In the next lecture, we will continue to facilitate the improved management of the research datasets, so we look forward to meeting all the participants in this insightful session!

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