E-Coaching I: E-Coaching Clinic Series 2021 LSPU

Today (5/7/2021), RSF has just held an e-coaching webinar, an international-scale coaching program where this time, we are collaborating with Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) from Philippines. This coaching will be held over the next month using an online platform. The E-Coaching program has objectives to enhance authors capacity in publication and minimize gaps of editor requirement and author capacity to achieve publication in reputable journals.

The program consists of some stages: E-Coaching webinar I, review process and Journal recommendation, E Coaching Webinar II, mentoring/ assisting for improvement and article submission to the journal. The output of E-Coaching Program is article submission to a reputable journal (Scopus/DOAJ/Copernicus Indexed journal).

The Webinar Session lead by Dr Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, who facilitates two sessions: Why being Global Scholar is important ? What should we do to be globally accepted ? And how to write a good scientific article. Then Ms Ani Wahyu Rachmawati as another facilitator, conduct the session of How to Identify predatory and Non-Predatory Journal. The webinar closed by the last session from Ms Santi Rahmawati, who facilitate the discussion about the publication process of F1000research (Scopus Q1).

The webinar session ended with the closing statement by Dr Albert Yazon as the representative of Laguna State University Philipines (LSPU). He said that this is the golden moment and opportunity for all LSPU participants to increase the skill and capacity of research and publication.

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