E-Coaching I: E-Coaching Clinic Series 2021 LSPU

Today (5/7/2021), RSF has just held an e-coaching webinar, an international-scale coaching program where this time, we are collaborating with Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) from Philippines. This coaching will be held over the next month using an online platform. The E-Coaching program has objectives to enhance authors capacity in publication and minimize gaps of editor requirement and author capacity to achieve publication in reputable journals.

The program consists of some stages: E-Coaching webinar I, review process and Journal recommendation, E Coaching Webinar II, mentoring/ assisting for improvement and article submission to the journal. The output of E-Coaching Program is article submission to a reputable journal (Scopus/DOAJ/Copernicus Indexed journal).

The Webinar Session lead by Dr Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, who facilitates two sessions: Why being Global Scholar is important ? What should we do to be globally accepted ? And how to write a good scientific article. Then Ms Ani Wahyu Rachmawati as another facilitator, conduct the session of How to Identify predatory and Non-Predatory Journal. The webinar closed by the last session from Ms Santi Rahmawati, who facilitate the discussion about the publication process of F1000research (Scopus Q1).

The webinar session ended with the closing statement by Dr Albert Yazon as the representative of Laguna State University Philipines (LSPU). He said that this is the golden moment and opportunity for all LSPU participants to increase the skill and capacity of research and publication.

Webinar Pre-Conference 5th IBEMS 2021

Hallo researcher,

On 10th of february 2021, Research Synergy Foundation held a webinar named Webinar Pre-Conference 5th IBEMS 2021. The topic for this webinar is Scientific and Academic Writing towards Scopus Indexed Journals and Understanding F1000research (Scopus Q1) Editorial Requirement. 

As usual, before the conference, there would be Pre-Conference. So did IBEMS or International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies too

The speakers for this session are Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih — [ Founder & Chairman Research Synergy Foundation. Authors, Reviewers, Editor International Journal. Gateway Advisor F1000Research (Scopus Q1/Taylor & Francis) ]. & Ani Wahyu Rachmawati — [ Founder & Director Publication Research Synergy Foundation Learning Designer Research Synergy Institute, Gateway Advisor F1000Research Scopus Q1/Taylor & Francis) ]

The record could be play at https://youtu.be/bP56z8-szag

Guide to Submit F1000research ISYSDYN 2021

This program was held on 24th of May 2021. This webinar aims to provide guide to submit to F1000Research (ISYSDYN 2021). With our best two speakers which are  Santi Rahmawati — [ Founder & Director Global Network Research Synergy Foundation, Director Scholarvein, Gateway Advisor F1000Research (Scopus Q1/Taylor & Francis) ] & Ani Wahyu Rachmawati — [ Founder & Director Publication Research Synergy Foundation Learning Designer Research Synergy Institute, Gateway Advisor F1000Research Scopus Q1/Taylor & Francis) ]

Webinar Ask Expert #6 : Visualizing Scientometric with VOS Viewer

On this chance, Research Synergy Institute collaborated with Paramadina University presented webinar Ask Expert #6 themed Visualizing Scientometric with VOS Viewer. The participants was quite excited about this topic, especially the ones who are interested about scientometric method.

the summary of this program could be found here on our Instagram account

Have a nice reading!

E-Coaching Clinic Series 2021

Research Synergy Institute held a coaching with an interesting topic: Enhancing and Accelerating Author Capacity towards Outstanding Global Scholars. This events held on 7th of april – 10 of may 2021.  By the end of this program, participants was expected to able to (1) Identify the area for developing the quality of articles to Submit in Reputable Journals, (2) Respond to reviews and make improvements based on research content, and (3) Designing an article improvement action plan with a particular time of target.

The facilitators of this program are

Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih — Founder & Chairman Research Synergy Foundation. Authors, Reviewers, Editor International Journal. Gateway Advisor F1000Research (Scopus Q1/Taylor & Francis)

Santi Rahmawati — Founder & Director Global Network Research Synergy Foundation, Director Scholarvein, Gateway Advisor F1000Research (Scopus Q1/Taylor & Francis)

Ani Wahyu Rachmawati — Founder & Director Publication Research Synergy Foundation Learning Designer Research Synergy Institute, Gateway Advisor F1000Research Scopus Q1/Taylor & Francis)

for further information about this program, you could send a message to our team!

Webinar AskExpert #5: Strategi Peningkatan Ranking Universitas Berstandar Internasional

Peningkatan Ranking Universitas Berstandar Internasional, Mengapa penting dan Bagaimana Strategi nya?

Secara prinsip adanya peningkatan ranking universitas penting untuk reputasi dan diperlukan untuk persaingan dalam dunia global. Bagi negara maju adanya ranking universitas ini merupakan fokusnya adalah bagaimana mempertahankan reputasi atau ranking yang sudah ada, sementara untuk negara berkembang lebih banyak fokus pada bagaimana masuk ke dalam top ranking tersebut.

Ada 3 ranking yang dominan diakui secara internasional yaitu:
1. Quacquarelli Symbols (QS)
2. Times Higher Education
3. Shanghai Ranking / Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)

Quacquarelli Symbols (QS) University World ranking mengambil data perankingan berdasarkan 2 data survey yaitu akademis dan employer luar (peer review dari universitas luar) meliputi berbagai indikator pengukuran. Detail mengenai klasifikasi ranking dan indikator nya bisa di akses di tautan ini: https://www.topuniversities.com. Metric yang digunakan oleh QS University World Ranking adalah Academic reputation 40 %, Employer reputation 10%, Faculty student ratio 20%, Citation per faculty 20%, International faculty ratio 5%, International student ratio, 5%.

Times Higher Education merupakan ragam perankingan lainnya yang diakui secara internasional berdasarkan : Jumlah publikasi yang cukup dalam periode 5 tahun (1000 paper), Program pengajaran S1 (bachelor degree), Program pengajaran subjek yang beragam. Ragam perankingan dan indikatornya bisa diakses di tautan ini: https://www.timeshighereducation.com. Metric yang digunakan oleh Times Higher Education adalah Teaching 30%, Research 30%, Citation 30%, International outlook 7.5%, Industry income 2.5%.

Shanghai Ranking / Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) merupakan perangkingan dalam 54 subjek di dalam natural science, engineering, life science dan lain sebagainya. Ragam perankingan dan indicator nya bisa diakses di tautan berikut ini: http://www.shanghairanking.com/index.html . Metric yang digunakan oleh Shanghai Ranking / Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) Quality of Education : Alumni yang menang Nobel Prize dan Field Medal, 10 %, Quality of Faculty : Staff yang menang Nobel Prize dan Field Medal, 20 %, Research Output : Paper yang diterbitkan 40%. Selain dari ketiga pemeringkat ranking yang diakui secara internacional seperti sudah dijelaskan diatas, ada pula Impact Ranking yaitu pemeringkatan/ rangking berdasarkan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) yang merupakan bagian dari Times Higher Education (THE). Ragam Indikator dan hasil perankingan di tahun 2020 bisa di akses di tautan ini: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/impactrankings#!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/undefined

Lalu bagaimana strategi yang bisa dilakukan oleh Universitas untuk bisa mendongkrak posisinya di ketiga organisasi pemeringkatan yang diakui secara Internasional diatas? Ada beberapa hal yang bisa di inisiasi oleh Universitas yaitu: Meningkatkan Research Productivity yang terukur dari Artikel Ilmiah yang di publikasikan dan meningkatkan Research Skill Development yaitu meningkatnya kapasitas keterampilan melakukan riset yang berkualitas. Research Synergy Foundation telah di inisiasi untuk membantu Universitas-universitas untuk melakukan “loncatan” inovasi menuju universitas berkelas dunia. Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Research Synergy Foundation dapat diakses disini: https://www.researchsynergy.org.

Webinar AskExpert #5: Strategi Peningkatan Ranking Universitas Berstandar Internasional yang diselenggarakan ole Research Synergy Foundation dan Research Synergy Institute dengan Narasumber Prof. Hadrian G. Djajadikerta dari Edith Cowan University, Perth Austalia. Beliau adalah diaspora di Australia dan berpengalaman sebagai konsultan peningkatan mutu universitas secara Internasional.

RSF Research Academy: Tools for Analysis: Quantitative Analysis by Dr. Cheah Jun-Hwa (Jacky)

On October 7, 2020, RSF Research Academy Day 9 by the theme “Tools for Analysis: Quantitative Analysis” have been well presented by Dr. Cheah Jun-Hwa (Jacky). Dr. Jacky first gave a general introduction to some basic characteristics in conducting a quantitative research. He then explained more about types of data and research modeling prior to starting data analysis. The lecture is not just providing opportunities to get deeper understanding of quantitative analysis, but also to help master practical skills the researchers need to have. Dr. Jacky showed a test run of data analysis through SPSS and ANOVA. He also presented online guides to calculate a sampling size through G Power software. Finally, the participants also learned how to use Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Using SEM, researchers will be assisted in explaining the relationships among multiple variables.

RSF Research Academy: Qualitative Method II by Dr. Sia Bee-Chuan

On September 30, 2020, RSF Research Academy Day 7 & 8 on the theme “Quantitative Method I & II” was successfully completed. Dr. Sia has comprehensively explained steps process to conduct qualitative researches. The data sampling techniques and its analysis strategies were also thoroughly presented based on approaches in qualitative method. There are a lot of computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software for qualitative research. Dr. Sia then explored several options in using qualitative data analysis software for researchers. The material of this session will be of great help for understanding practice and identifying qualitative research needs.

Research Article & Conference Paper Preparation for ICE AKN Tarutung 2020

Research Synergy Foundation and Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Tarutung  was conducted a virtual workshop by the theme “Research Article & Conference Paper Preparation for ICE AKN Tarutung 2020” on September 24, 2020. The workshop was aimed to properly prepare all stages of writing manuscripts and related descriptions for International Conference of Education in the New Normal Era (ICE IAKN) 2020. Rector of IAKN Tarutung, Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, encouraged IAKN lecturers to make good research that can be published in international journals. The workshop was attended by 25 lecturers with a research background in theology and religion studies. Their research result will enrich global knowledge, and be applied in many other areas as well. Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as a chairman of Research Synergy Foundation has served as the trainer of the workshop. Dr. Hendrati shared her perspectives and experiences on how to be global researchers and build a better research culture among lecturers. RSF has several established platforms to support the creation of global research ecosystem, including: Scholarvein, RSF Press, Research Synergy Institute, and Reviewer Track. Dr. Hendrati also gave advice on how to make a research design and develop a search strategy for a literature review. At the end of Dr. Hendrati presentation, the participants consulted their research that will be presented in the upcoming conference to the trainer.

In the next session, participants then learned some computer-based tools that can used to improve content and language quality in their manuscripts. The session was guided by Ms. Ani Wahyu as a Director of Research Synergy Institute. Participants were directed to follow step by step in translating, checking the quality of grammar, and paraphrasing. She also emphasized to all participants to keep checking the content and language quality to other expert and native speaker for better result.

RSF Research Academy: Qualitative Method I by Dr. Sia Bee Chuan

Today, on September 23, 2020, RSF Research Academy Day 7 on the theme “Qualitative Method I” was presented by Dr. Sia Bee Chuan. This online lecture was to prepare the participants develop their scholarly writing in qualitative research. The expert has years of experience teaching qualitative research. Dr. Sia explained basic philosophy of qualitative method. She then discussed five approaches in qualitative research design and how to use it in applied situation. The session will be continued next week along with the complete answers from the expert to the participants’ questions.

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