Road to UPN Conference Series 2020: Transforming Community Service Program Report into Good Research Paper

On August 27, 2020, Research Synergy Foundation in collaboration with UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta conducted a virtual workshop for faculty members, lecturers, and professors in the fields of management, social sciences, technology, and engineering. The workshop focused on exploring data and perspectives on how to gain international exposure by developing a research culture in a university and improve the knowledge about writing a research. The workshop also provided a technical guidance to assist researchers preparing their manuscripts submission to international journals. There are more than 80 participants registered from UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, STIA Bina Banua Banjarmasin, Politeknik Bali, Universitas Diponegoro, and Universitas Islam Bandung.

Presented as the trainer, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih first delivered some important data and perspectives related why Indonesian researchers should be global researchers. Dr. Hendrati then shared her experience of developing a research culture in a wider-way through Research Synergy Foundation by conducting international academic forum and facilitating publication opportunities for global researchers. RSF has several established platforms to support the creation of global research ecosystem, including: Scholarvein, RSF Press, Research Synergy Institute, and Reviewer Track.  RSF has also partnered with Taylor & Francis and F1000 as one of the publication gateways in several research fields. As RSF Chairman and a reviewer from some reputable journals, Dr, Hendrati also explained about what a good research is and how to be a productive researchers. Based on the insightful explanation, many participants asked many questions about their written manuscripts and international journals to the trainer.

The workshop then continued by Ms. Ani Wahyu guiding the technical process to improve content and language quality in a manuscript with a computer-based tools so that it can increase the possibility of acceptance in a high-indexed journal. Participants are guided to use applications such as grammarly, google drive, and etc. Ms. Ani also explained how to choose a reputable journal and avoid any predatory journals. By conducting the workshop, participants are expected to prepare their best manuscripts to be presented at upcoming UPN Conference Series 2020.

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